DazCentral keeps saying 'too many connections' or crashing...

I've been trying to install a number of items I purchased lately, but hadn't installed yet, and today Daz Central keeps popping up the message that it has too many connections to the site, and either requires me to manually log in again, or simply crashes, sometimes asking me to submit a bug report (but the report button actually remains greyed out, but that's a different issue, and not the reason for my post!)

It worked fine a few days ago, but this started happenening today


Does anyone have this as well? Any suggestions? Or is this a Daz backend problem?

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2021-11-12 10_16_18-Technical Help (nuts n bolts) - Daz 3D Forums.png
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Post edited by daisuki.nekomusume on


  • Is this still happening? Given the lack of replies I suspect it isn't a general issue.

  • Well, in between all the errors and log outs I have managed to download everything by now, so I cannot test any further at this time...

    (And I'm not gonna buy stuff just to test it!  cheeky )

    When (It's not an 'if', there's plenty stuff left on my wishlist) I buy some more stuff, I'll try to save up a batch to test again and get back on this...

  • Today it seems to work as expected... Keeping an eye on it...

  • I saved up a batch of downloads, started all of them today, and it just worked™...

  • DAZCentral is a lousy piece of software. It generally fails to install DAZ Studio or Hexagon at 86%. You'd think that someone would have fixed this by now. I've seen numerous threads where this issue has been brought up.

    A shame, because DAZ Studio is a marvelous application.

  • Don't forget that Daz Central can roll mutliple files into one entry, if it is failing as a high percentage like that it is probably installing the application correctly and having issues with one of the accompanying sets.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    Don't forget that Daz Central can roll mutliple files into one entry, if it is failing as a high percentage like that it is probably installing the application correctly and having issues with one of the accompanying sets.

    I'm not saying DC is a great app, but I've not seen it fail to install yet... the issues I've seen are akways connections related.

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