Need help applying a RawArt shape to G8 Male

Can someone remind me what I'm doing wrong here?  I bought RawArt's Jawz for G8M and there are two icons for this loading guy, Jawz CHR and Jawz Shape.  The first one loads the character with the shark tail.  The second icon shows as the shape for Jawz with legs.  I want to load the legs version.  If I load Jawz with a tail (or just G8M) and click on "Jawz Shape", I assumed that one of those would get me Jawz with legs, but neither figure changes.  The shaping tab shows an icon/slide for Jawz with legs, but that doesn't seem to do anything.  G8M doesn't have that icon (which I figured it probably wouldn't, I know this isn't a morph, which is how the Antwan figure works, which works just fine.  I installed it at the same time).  I know I'm forgetting something simple here.  Anyone?


  • Oops, sorry, think I posted this question in the wrong area.
  • Jawz is for Genesis 8.1 Male, not Genesis 8 Male. Assumign it's an HD sahpe there isn't really a way to convert it.

  • Jawz is for Genesis 8.1 Male, not Genesis 8 Male. Assumign it's an HD sahpe there isn't really a way to convert it.

    Should I be seeing 8.1 male as an option under people? When I bought Rosa Marie 8.1 I updated my Genesis essentials files or whatever and she seems to work fine--I assumed that 8.1 was being loaded in the background or something. So, I should actually see 8.1 icons for loading the males and females?
  • You should have files for loading Genesis 8.1 Female/Male Base - if you use DIM or Daz Central to isntall the Starter essentials package is usually split in two by sex.

  • You should have files for loading Genesis 8.1 Female/Male Base - if you use DIM or Daz Central to isntall the Starter essentials package is usually split in two by sex.

    Ah, yep, that's what I needed. Thanks Richard!
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