dForce "Start Bones From Memorized Pose" always thinks memorized pose is -50 Y lower than actual

For a while, dForce worked fine, and I'm not sure if there's some kind of "ghost" setting I triggered on accident or something, but whenever I simulate with dForce (e.g. a blanket) the actual character I have in the scene starts off the simulation with a -50 Y transpose. This ends up with the character usually bisecting the bed or floor and results in all kinds of issues. New scene, same problem. Blank scene, same problem. New character, same problem. I'm honestly at my wit's end here and have no idea what could possibly be causing this "transpose". I just want my characters to stay still while I simulate other stuff, why is that so hard?


  • Open the Parameter Settings dialogue for the hip and figure Y Translation (the gear icon to the right of the slider) and make sure the Default Value is zero - that it the memorised value.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    Open the Parameter Settings dialogue for the hip and figure Y Translation (the gear icon to the right of the slider) and make sure the Default Value is zero - that it the memorised value.

    Thank you so much. That fixed it.

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