AJC Boogie Roller Girl Outfit mat issue when loading - Solved

nowefgnowefg Posts: 557

I got this Boogie Roller Girl set, because it's used in the promos for IGD Flow Poses, which are the best rollerskate poses I've seen.

Since Boogie Roller Girl has been out for a bit, I figure other people must have gotten it too.

When I load the preset clothing, or any individual item in the set, I get missing texture errors. I double checked my install, which is correct, and I opened the product Runtime/Textures folder to check for the missing pngs. What I find is that the product dufs are calling testures that don't exist in the Textures folder. Image attached.


Has no one else run into this problem?

AJC Boogie Rollergirl Mat Errors.jpg
2550 x 1333 - 150K
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