why are duplicate formulas suddenly appearing?


I made a single dial morph at the weekend and I know I made a mistake ERC freezing twice, it takes so long if someone's in the room with you it's too easy to get distracted. So I deleted the messed up slider both from the hard drive and from within the Parameters panel then did it right. I saved the new dial and used it in a number of scenes. After changing the pose and restarting this morning, however, the Duplicate Formulas issue has cropped up again. It makes no sense to me why it would after three days. Does anyone have any clues why this might happen? 




  • If you haven't installed any new content or haven't created any custom dials, it shouldn't be happening.

    what does the error specifically say?

    Post your log if you can.


  • thanks for the reply. It wouldn't render, just sat there for half an hour, I came back thinking it would be finished but hadn't even started so, I've restarted the whole computer and now the duplicate error isn't coming up. When I reloaded this morning it took forever to load the scene, then I had to acknowlege the duplicate forumula dialogue box. Now that hasn't come up with the same scene, except I changed the pose and added a figure. Obviously that shouldn't have made any differerence. It's obviously glitching somehow. 


    Oh well, hopefully it will continue not to throw up errors. 

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