Face Control 8 and 8.1 help needed


I have 2 questions:

  • I've purchased https://www.daz3d.com/genesis-3--8-face-controls . Is there anybody here who has it working? I can select and move the controls, but only the displayed x/y/z axis of the controls itselves move, the head does NOT change at all. Looks as if the controls are not connected to the model...
  • while I searched for the problem above I read several times that those face controls are already included in 8.1 characters, but I can't find them there. Where do I have to look for it?

Thanks in adavance for any hints or links.





  • margravemargrave Posts: 1,822

    The Face Controls product you linked to is for G3 and G8 only. G8.1 has an entirely separate face rig included in the Genesis 8 Starter Essentials.

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