"Pin to" option

Maybe it's there somewhere and I'm just missing it, but I don't think it is. And maybe it's more a feature for Daz than something someone else can create using scripts or whatever.
I know there is a pin option to pin the translation and rotation of a node..
I'd like to see a "Pin to..." option where you could take the end of a rope and "pin to" one figure's hand and the other end could "pin to" a separate characters neck.
Or take the first model's hand and "pin to" the shoulder of a 2nd model.
I've got an idea for an animated scene I want to play with and practice using animate (post apocalyptic prisoner being escorted) but trying to get the exact position of little things like these from one frame to the next is a huge pain and looks completely unrealistic with things sliding around slightly when they should be firm in place.
by pin would you mena it acts like an extention? like the rope attached to one charatcer's neck and another's hand if the two were close the rope goes slack byt move far it will strieghten/tighten? and if you tug on on end it will not only pull the rope but whateve t is pinned to?:0 cuz i would like that:D
basiclaly be a sticky feature like how the daz clothes bind to the body:) i know it could work with the skeletons of the mdoels:) like the hand pinned to shoulder i wan the tips of the fingers to stick to the mesh's volume so it grasps:) would make posing so much easier:)
Well that goes a little further than what I had in mind but yes, same idea.
I was thinking start simpler, then make more complex as it's perfected :)
I remember trying to practice on a short animation where a whip was used to grab a person's leg and trip them. I scrapped the animation as I couldn't get the end of the whip to stay wrapped around the same part of the ankle. Each frame the wrapped end of the whip shifted up or down the leg as the person fell.
Would parenting the Guard Character, or say his hand or gun, to the Prisoners neck work?
Then it should move with the prisioner
just a thought Bb.
I've actually tried parenting a character's hand to another's shoulder and while it did say it was parented, it certainly did not move with the other character. Parenting the whole character might work except then you'll still have the original issue of trying to line up the hand with the exact same spot it was previously in when you go to re-pose the parented figure because his whole body moved with the 2nd character.