Recover Prior Scene Save

So I was in the process of changing a few actors in DAZ 3D and accidentally deleted one of my characters from the scene file without realizing. I then (like an idiot) saved and closed the scene and I don't have a preset of the deleted character shape. Does anyone know how to roll back Scene save files to a prior save version?


  • That would be an OS function - File History, Time Machine, or other active back-up system that keeps prior versions of the file.

  • Is there any function like that attached to DAZ?

  • Beat578Beat578 Posts: 191

    No Software I know has this. Usually it's the other way round: a safe of the actual state in case of a loss of power or something so you don't loose your progress. I learned that the hard way too. I always make a copy of my file when i reached a "milestone" in development, so I could go back to that state and continue with a new Version from that point. But you can not hand that over to a software. 

  • That is a very fair point, I can see what you're saying. I will simply have to do a more meticulous job in the future of saving my work as I adjust my scenes.! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my concern though! <3

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