Daz Studio Login Error

Hello, I'm a new user. Well ok I worked with Poser and DAZ products back in the V2-V4 days or so, but  basicaly I'm new again because I have not touched this kind of stuff for years.  


I just downloaded the Daz Studio and now I face a problem. It wants me to log into my account but when I enter my  Login data I get an Error that looks like  in the picture attached. That error does not actualy say whats wrong. 


Its not the wrong login data, because I can login o the Website or DIM just fine. Also if I use a wrong Login (on purpose for testing reasons) I get a different error message, so thats not the issue. 

I deinstalled and reinstalled the software already. 

I deinstalled my security software too

I have made exceptions in the Windows 10 Firewall for the Programm. 

I changed my Passcode and  added more detail to my Profile ( some of the now mandatory Information were not mandatory when I created my Profile back in the days)

I confirmed that the TOS/EUL are signed.  

I have no Idea what I can try now. Does anyone have an Idea? 


680 x 619 - 24K


  • What CPU do you have, and which exact version of Daz Studio are you using? In any event, you don't need to log-in to use Daz Studio if you install your content using Daz Central or Install Manager (or manually).

  • G315tG315t Posts: 20
    edited October 2021

    Intel Core i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz  8 Core

    But I don't think that login to an account has something to do with the CPU. 

    Daz Studio Version is what was offered me on the download page. 4.15 64bit



    Post edited by G315t on
  • There was an issue with newer Intel CPUs, which has been fixed in the new build - you have the build and are using an older CPU so it isn't likely to be related here. As I said, there's no real issue with just working offline (you can get your serial number by right-click on the application's entry in the Installed tab of Install manager or from https://www.daz3d.com/downloader/customer/serialnumbers ). I would, however, contact support about this as it may indicate an issue with your account.

  • G315tG315t Posts: 20

    Well you say there is no issue of working offline, but I can not even see any of the installed stuff and I can't even do the quickstart guide to learn the software, because first step is to go to Smart Content and that is not working because I can not Login. 


    I already contacted the support  a week ago. On thursday I got a response asking for pictures of the problem which I provided. Since then I did not got any reply. So thats not very helpfull so far. 

    I think I'll just go elsewhere and uninstall the software again, I wanted to have a little fun and not bother with software for days. 

  • Logging in has nothing to do with accessing the database, which is purely local to your machine (though it's true that it uses Internet protocol to communicate). Are you using the default paths for your content instalaltion? Are you getting an error for the PostgreSQL database engine on starting DS? What security software are you using?

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