Looking for a way to make a sort of "cloudy/foggy" liquid in 3Delight

dissentrixdissentrix Posts: 70
edited October 2021 in Product Suggestions

Hi, it's as the title says - I've been looking up online, and haven't really found much success. Basically I'm trying to make a sort of "foggy" liquid, kinda like milk in tea, or the Pensieve in Harry Potter if any are familiar.

This thread suggests the AoA shader with the "combined sss and translucence", but I'm not sure how to fiddle with it (or which settings to even touch, really) so it gives the look I want. When applying the AoA subsurface shader to my liquid, the only things that look like SSS are Pre-SSS and Ambient SSS Contribution.

EDIT: Never mind, I got the look I wanted, more or less, by using some Bump textures from various water products I had.

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  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    Do you need to see through it at all? Try playing with the uberVolume shader, part of Default Resources (shader presets/omnifreaker/ubervolume/!ubervolume base.duf). The base settings will give a smooth fog, but you can get patchy fog and smoke, or dust. Set the opacity, color and density to start, and take it from there.

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