Early 1900s Young Men Wear?

What can I use or kitbash for the sort of thing a prep-school boy might have worn ca. 1900-1910? These can be three-piece suits or possibly two-piece; the latter seems to have been more common for leisure wear. See https://vintagedancer.com/1900s/1910-teen-boys-clothing/ for several specimens — and also notice the hats. The waists for the trousers are higher than they are nowadays (held by suspenders, in the case of a 3-piece suit; you didn't show suspenders at that period unless you were a laborer). Note also the descriptions of the trousers with watch pockets (again, no vest/waistcoat); and note the narrow neckties (bow ties also suitable) with a small knot, and the optional separate shirt collars.
I also found the attached image said to be a 1910 portrait: the tie is considerably bigger than in those catalog pictures. We think of men from that period, I think, as having greasy slicked-down hair; but the boy in the portrait seems to have a pretty dry-look haircut (one which, really, would not look completely out of place today). I suppose it is best to remember that men and young men wore hats and caps, and those would get pretty horrible after a few days if they used a lot of 1950s greasy kid stuff. Suggestions for hair styles suitable to the period (lying pretty flat, possibly center parted) are also welcome. Indeed, duplicating this boy's portrait would be a big step forward.
Another example of a scene I'd love to re-create from that period. Note the Morris chair in the background, and the window seat (and the shape and size of the football on the mantle). It portrays a boys' dorm room.
Then there's this Norman Rockwell from 1915. The football uniforms would be a great bonus.
Grantham Hall Suit is somewhere to start for male clothes of that era - I don't think it mattered much stylewise if you were 16 or 60 - but it's for G2M.
Love those pictures, btw.
That would be a rugby ball.
It would be; but the book it is from portrays American football in this school ca. 1910, and the ball had not yet evolved to its present shape from the watermelon-like
rugby ball. Here's another picture: