My "environment" tab in Render Settings is missing

Hi community,

I am very new to DAZ. I have done 2 or 3 learning renders with more or less beautiful results.

However - I bought a nice HDRI city package here in the official DAZ-store to set up fast scenes with nice lighting. At least that was my idea.
I read a lot on how to use them, watched some vids and I even managed to find the new HDRI set in my smart content menu.
However, double clicking it shows no results.
I guess that's because I don't have activated the dome an scene (had to deactivate it for one of the lighting tutorials, so already used it and I know this option is somewhere...)
Now I don't find this option in render settings anymore. I don't find the Environment-drop down menu. There is no Dome and Scene option and I have no idea how to turn it back on.
If anybody had the same issues or has an idea how to solve it, please help me! Or maybe I am doing the HDRI thing completely wrong? I am out of ideas.

I am kinda desperate right now. 


missing environment.jpg
788 x 1984 - 235K


  • margravemargrave Posts: 1,822

    You need to add an Environment/Tonemapper node from the Create menu. Or you can just switch to Iray preview, which will create them automatically.

    They only changed this with DS 4.14, I believe, so if you're watching an older tutorial it's outdated.

  • to add to margrave's suggestion, you can also just push the render button.

    Also, loading any render preset will also load them.


    I'd suggest setting up an empty scene with the default render settings loaded and save that as a new scene, then use that as the default(startup) scene and new scene in preferences.

    Menu>Preferences(F2)>Startup(tab) and Scene(tab).

    Set "On new" load file to the newly created scene for the scene tab.

    Set "On Launch" load file to the same.




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