Is there any way to preview shadows, lights & lighting without Rendering?

edited February 2015 in New Users

I have noticed that the Viewport does not display lights & lighting setups correctly. Rather than rendering umpteen times until I see the effects I want, is there any better way to preview lights & shadows without rendering? Thanks for your time.


Post edited by Man Behind the Curtain on


  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    If you open the aux viewport window and view it through your main camera it will auto update. This can slow things down at times so swap it to perspective when you don't want it constantly updating.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,857
    edited February 2015

    Is this DAZ Studio? You can use the Aux Viewport with the IPR (interactive preview render) - Window>Panes(Tabs)>Aux Viewport, open the option menu button (the lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab) and turn the tool bar on, then click the "play" button to start getting live(ish) preview renders.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • edited December 1969

    Thanks for the Aux Viewport tip. It renders faster than the full viewport.


  • DekeDeke Posts: 1,635
    edited December 1969

    Ditto, I hadn't used this since upgrading…very handy.

  • tl155180tl155180 Posts: 994
    edited December 1969

    I think the Aux Viewport is an excellent addition to Daz Studio. I've just started using 4.7 and discovered that it can be dragged over to join the main viewport in the centre to act as a near full-sized quick render preview pane. In its smaller form I found it almost useless because its way too small for me to detect the subtle changes I'm making.

    However, using it in its larger form does slow things down quite considerably.

    Is there any way to alter the render settings of the Aux Viewport to make it adjust quicker to changes? Is it a case of having to adjust your main render settings, or are they separate?

  • My scene uses "sun-sky" and in final render there is a too-dark shadow over a specific charactor that I need to move.  How can I move the "sun" to change where the shadow lands so I can see it without having to wait an hour for a finished render?  If I cannot see the shadow I cannot see how to move the sun by time or date.

    I tried the Aux Viewport but shadows don't show, I found the IPR tool which is not in the actual Viewport's menu lines, but above the row of tabs of which one tab is the AuxViewport.

    When I click to start IPR render nothing appears to happen at all?  Do I also need to select a camera view or a particular view mode such as "lit wire frame" or just "texture render" ?



  • IPR is for 3Delight, if you are using Sun Sky then you are using Iray. You can create a distant light and then in the Environment group in Render Settings you can set that as the Sun Node, then select the light as the current view (clicking the drop down list at top-right of the viewport) and use standard viewport navigation tools to set the position.

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