Airline Pilot uniform(s)

I still have not seen any realistic looking Airline Pilot uniforms,and even the few Flight Attendants uniforms for Genesis,V4 are not very realistic looking like comtemporary uniforms.
Can anybody post a link to any convincing Airline pilot /flight attendant uniform(s),and if a freebie even better?
I'm primarily interested in military flightsuits/helmets, but would also be interested in something like that.
I, too, seek uniforms and contemporary business/trade clothing. I'm trying to model a police force (with civilian dress, too) in G2F/M.
Somehow, I trust that the voting public would frown on female police officers displaying their ample cleavage and upper thighs (sigh, an ancient complaint).
While I'm ranting, I am greatly disappointed with the newer clothiers. There must be a new program out that speeds the process. I was thrilled that a new G2M suit was available... that is, until I noticed in the promos that no matter what pose was applied, the suit coat looked glued to the figure's chest. C'mon artists!!! That's what we call a "second skin" outfit!
I'm willing to pay the (reasonable) increase for you folks to build in the morphs and adjustments. If our PA's can develop stupendous characters that begin to make me feel Pygmalion-ish, at least let me dress them appropriately. Vickie 4 had many such outfits, as did V3 and even V2 (if you're that old). Super conforming and auto-smoothing are great, but, when Vickie or Mike bend, the clothes aren't cemented to their bodies. In D|S 3 with my girl Vickie 4 (still a favorite in my world), I could tweak her outfits to look natural. The M3 and M4 suits could be adjusted to match the pose, naturally.
My desire in creating though D|S is to portray real life; whether in the past, present, or future, I like scantily clad as much as the next guy, but, I stopped being 15 about thirty years ago. What do the professionals that use D|S have to say? /endrant
Well, sex appeal apparently sells, but I would have loved the GCop outfit to have at least featured a morph where the upper clothing wasn't so blatently showing her cleavage! Weirdly, not even a button or zipper is there, making it look like she put it on, specifically designed that way. :)
It's a real shame, because I honestly think it's amazingly well-made and I love how they managed to work elbow and knee pads directly into the clothing. The helmet is fantastic and the texture expansions are worth it.
But, yeah... You have to either be very creative with camera angles or simply not use it for any 'serious' scenes.
If it's ever updated with a morph to cover cleavage up (seriously, it's designed for use in riot scenes, for heaven's sake), I shall be very happy! Wanted to use it for a kind of 'Jurassic Park'-style scene, the other day, for security, but that cleavage... It just didn't work for the general tone. Had to hunt around my assets for something different.
Thanks guys for your ideas about realistic uniforms. I agree with both of you,the current trend in fligth or police uniforms is like "show-girls for hire",all "Ts" and "As" and little formality or professionalism. The bad guys might think someone is sending them a bunch of strippers as a prank,lol
But to get back to the topic, female fligth attendants are the subject of most guys fantasies,including guys in the 3D world. let's hope the developers take notice.