DIM not responding - unable to install

A few days ago, I tried to install some recently purchased products. DIM saw the new products, but when I hit install it went to an endless spinning blue circle and said 'not responding'.

I have tried uninstalling and re-installing [with the newest DIM]. That did not help.

With the recent updates, I had accidentally installed the 4.15 BETA for the 32 bit windows. Strangely, DIM would uninstall that and re-install the 64 bit version.

But everything else (new products and product updates) still gives the endless blue circle.

Once I hit install and the circle appears, the only way to stop it is with Ctrl-Alt-Delete ... so I do not think I can access the logs.

I will see if I have an earlier version of DIM on a hard drive. Otherwise, I do not understand this problem. Any ideas?


  • UPDATE:  the infinite blue circle is not truly infinite. I tried installing a couple items and left the computer. When I returned they had installed. So I tried a few more and payed attention - it took about 10 minutes and then they installed. Now I am trying the remainder of the new items.

    While I can live with extra time installing, I would still like to try and solve the problem. Any ideas? Thanks.

  • The application install and content installs are going to different locations, so my suspicion would be space or access problems with the content drive (which isn't a nice thought).

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    The application install and content installs are going to different locations, so my suspicion would be space or access problems with the content drive (which isn't a nice thought).

    Hmmm ... thanks for the input. Bot the application and content drives have several hundred gigabytes still free. Perhaps I should try some drive maintenance and see if anything pops up.

  • Since it is apparently installing in the end (sorry, I missed that reply) it may also be soemthing like security software getting in the way - genrally content installations involve a lot more files so something that was checking or logging each file might well have a more noticeable effect on the content instalaltion.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

     it may also be soemthing like security software getting in the way 

    That is a good idea ... but in this case, there is no security software ... and this machine is not equipped to get online ... I built it that way on purpose to help protect it ... as it was made specifically for rendering only.

    I found, but did not try to install, an old DIM file that went with DS 4.9 or 4.10. I can check another drive later, but that may be the only previous copy I have.

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