Wet hands

I'm not sure if this belongs here or not.  I'm trying to create wet hands (like they've just been under the faucet) for a scene I'm doing.  Is there a way to only do the hands?  I've read how to give a "sheen of sweat" over an entire body but I just want the hands to look wet.

Any ideas?


  • Beat578Beat578 Posts: 191

    I would go with a Geoshell. You can hide everything but the hands, and then either apply a wet shader product (if you own one) or play with the UBER Shader values. There is a tutorial somwhere about how to create a wet look, I just don't have the link at hand at the moment. But with a geoshell as a start, you can hide everything except the hands and then go for the look you're after. 

  • margravemargrave Posts: 1,822

    As Beat578 said, using a geoshell would be the best way to go. However you would first need to take your Genesis 8 model into Blender and use texture painting to create an opacity map, otherwise the wetness would end in a hard line at the shoulders.

    That's quite an advanced topic, and it's hard to get across in a single forum post.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,315

    Moved to Daz Studio Discussion 

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    There are some wet hands at the naughty store

  • Thank you for the feedback.  I'm doing an image around washing your hands to stay healthy so I don't know if the naughty store would be any help ( thank you for the suggestion).  I am going to try sending the figre to Blender.  I'm not great at it but maybe this is the project I need to get more familiar with it.


    Thank you again!

    wash hands.jpg
    1300 x 1040 - 1M
  • TBorNotTBorNot Posts: 370

    Something like this?   Skin Doctor - Wet & Wild for Genesis 3 and 8 Male(s)

    1280 x 1024 - 800K
  • margravemargrave Posts: 1,822

    karlsfriend_f7ccaca9e2 said:

    Thank you for the feedback.  I'm doing an image around washing your hands to stay healthy so I don't know if the naughty store would be any help ( thank you for the suggestion).  I am going to try sending the figre to Blender.  I'm not great at it but maybe this is the project I need to get more familiar with it.

    Off the top of my head, Grant Abbitt has some great texture painting tutorials. In your case, you would just need to create a black and white image to use as an opacity mask, representing where the water should and should not be, and then plug that into the geoshell's "Arms" surface.

  • Wow! A lot of options.  As you can see from the image it wouldn't be a necessity but just one of those things the eyes sees, but doesn't see.


    Thank you again.

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