FBX weight values export issue

romawindromawind Posts: 3

I decided to create this thread because it seems that DAZ FBX exporter doesn't work properly. At least for me.


I am facing the same problem as the person started that ☝️ thread. And after doing some research import-export moves I have to say that FBX export doesn't transfer Weight Maps (attributes, values, ..) correctly in those cases when "SubDivision Level" parameter is set (and locked) to anything above 0. Or.. Maybe I am wrong and I just need (as the developers of DazToMaya Bridge) to export those Weight Maps correctly by locking some parameter.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I attach the GIF-file ( https://s9.gifyu.com/images/eq2yWGJoiA.gif ) that shows my exact actions during use of DazToMaya Bridge and I also attach 2 screenshots from Houdini viewport with Weights visualized on both SubD 0 ( https://i.imgur.com/BDr2hez.jpeg ) and SubD 2 ( https://i.imgur.com/U0hTcRd.jpeg ) *.fbx models exported from DAZ using regular "Export" option.

Post edited by romawind on


  • Doc AcmeDoc Acme Posts: 1,153

    I've no idea if I can be of any help, but I've been using the 2014 FBX model successfully for a couple years now, but exporting out to Lightwave via both FBX and OBJ's. With FBX's, I get weight maps and morphs; obj's just weights.

    I don't use the Bridges. I'm not able (nor probably anyone for that matter) able for example, to get any HD info of any sort out of Daz being they've got propitiatory stuff going on that only their PA's have access to.

    There is a Maya Helpers scripts option; have you investigated that? I know the Daz information pipeline is so vast and easy to research; perhaps on the Maya side it's better?  Gotta be.

    I know a developer who was making tools for Lightwave for some years until recently (Oliver Hotz, Origami Digital), but works for O-Toy now (that be Octane), but interdependently develops tools for Houdini.  You can find him on Discord.


  • margravemargrave Posts: 1,822

    I use Blender, and that has a feature to copy weight maps between figures. See if you can export a base resolution figure with the weight maps and a figure with the HD morphs, then transfer them between figures.

  • First of all, thanks for your response, Doc Acme and margrave!

    I've no idea if I can be of any help, but I've been using the 2014 FBX model successfully for a couple years now, but exporting out to Lightwave via both FBX and OBJ's. With FBX's, I get weight maps and morphs; obj's just weights.

    I've tried 2011-2014 FBX options both in binary form and in ascii form. Unfortunately, every variation gave the same incorrect result (again, maybe I just need to check some box in DAZ to correctly export weights). Can you explain how do you export weights with OBJ? I don't see weight attributes in my target DCC on the model that was exported from DAZ using +- default settings.

    There is a Maya Helpers scripts option; have you investigated that? I know the Daz information pipeline is so vast and easy to research; perhaps on the Maya side it's better?  Gotta be.

    No, I have not. I am more familiar with Houdini. But I tried out official DazToMaya bridge to proof myself the concept of NOT properly working (OR not properly configured by myself) DAZ' FBX export. As you can see in my 1st message, this tool doesn't work as intended. In this example ( https://i.imgur.com/A94wJ54.jpeg ) I've loaded basic Gen 8.1 Female model and then used DazToMaya Bridge. I personally don't think that it is OK. indecision

    I know a developer who was making tools for Lightwave for some years until recently (Oliver Hotz, Origami Digital), but works for O-Toy now (that be Octane), but interdependently develops tools for Houdini.  You can find him on Discord.

    Thanks for the info!

     I use Blender, and that has a feature to copy weight maps between figures. See if you can export a base resolution figure with the weight maps and a figure with the HD morphs, then transfer them between figures.

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge! I also have an option to transfer attributes from one mesh to another in my target DCC, but I don't want to do this because this method usually causes a number of issues in character's lips area for example. There are a number of ways to resolve this trouble for sure.

  • Look at weights in DAZ - https://i.imgur.com/tdURqow.jpeg


    weights in my target DCC - https://i.imgur.com/n8Un87V.jpeg


     ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • margravemargrave Posts: 1,822
    edited September 2021

    Daz3D wants HD to be exclusive PA-only tech, and until they decide to change their minds we'll just have to deal with exporting at base resolution. You could always just add a subsurf in Maya and use the figure's normal map to fill in the detail, since IIRC the normal maps that come with Daz figures are just baked versions of the HD morphs.

    Post edited by margrave on
  • romawindromawind Posts: 3
    edited September 2021

    margrave said:

    Daz3D wants HD to be exclusive PA-only tech, and until they decide to change their minds we'll just have to deal with exporting at base resolution. You could always just add a subsurf in Maya and use the figure's normal map to fill in the detail, since IIRC the normal maps that come with Daz figures are just baked versions of the HD morphs.

    You can export HD meshes from DAZ by locking up "SubDivision Level" parameter. 

    The problem is that it doesn't export in correct manner (exporting weight values properly).

    Post edited by romawind on
  • Doc AcmeDoc Acme Posts: 1,153

    Oddly, I can't get any FBX to import into Daz, even the ones it makes.  I'm not doing anything special that I'm aware of when I do export.  Only reason I don't learn Blender is time, but might be worth a little time to see how it handles FBX's differently.

    No, I'm not getting OBJ's exported out with weights (I'm applying later at times), but those models are generally architectural or mechanical, usually not needed or very easy to make if any are.  

    For animals and characters, FBX is pretty much needed to get morphs & weight mapping. I rework all of the weights as it is with some tools developed by 3DPowers ( http://www.3rdpowers.com ). They made a couple additional modes for me, specific to working with hair & fur.  But a major turning point came when I could clean up & eliminate minute and below 1% values that were really bloating the model size.

    In Modeler, if I compare the same item exported as FBX as an OBJ when the Base rez was used, the point count & order match.  If you export out as OBJ but with a higher Sub-D value, I can quickly get to a point where the model is too large to even open (> 2Gb), but  Sub-D of 2 seems workable. Been making some tests with the Oda May character, but not there yet.


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