Setting slider values to ANYTHING as Default? / How to Freeze Transformation?

Hi All,
My sliders get back to different numbers instead of zero when I either use: ALT + Mouse Click or just Reset it from the menu.
Example: These are the numbers I get when I reset to default: (instead of 0)
X, Y, Z - are not 0 anymore by default

Is there a way to SET it back to ZERO as default? in other 3D software it's usually called "Freeze Transformations".

In general I would like to know how can I freeze transformation of any sliders it will be very useful but I'm still learning Daz3D so I don't know where this option is exactly. any step-by-step visual image or tutorial will be helpful in case it's complicated, thanks ahead!

* Sorry about my bad English



  • margravemargrave Posts: 1,822


    If the number is grayed out, that means the property was memorized to be that value. In that case, you would need to manually set it to zero and then re-memorize it.

    If the number is white, that means another property is controlling it. Open the property's menu with the gear icon and go to the tabs at the bottom that say "controllers" and "sub-components". If the property has a controller, that means a parent property is changing its value. If the property has a sub-component, that means it is changing a child property's value. Look for the controllers and then check which one is non-zero.

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