What's difference between d-force ready clothes and none d-force clothes?
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What's the difference between d-force ready clothes and none d-force clothes?Some none dforce clothes cannot work well in simulation ,how can I fix it?
dForce clothes are already set up with the dForce modifier, settings, any weight maps needed, and so on - they should be ready to use. "Non-dForce" isn't really a thing, they may lack dForce features for any number of reasons and may or may not work with a dForce modifier applied. If they don't it may be for many different reasons, some of which could be fixed and others would be hard or impossible to fix.
hi,thank you.I found a lot of settings in surface-simulation,are you talking about these settings?
Yes, those are the material properties. It is also possible to add a weight map (Via Create>New dForce Weight Node) to control the strength of some of them.
Thanks,I see what you are saying.
If you run into any trouble, feel free to contact me. I've had a fair amount of success using dForce on clothing not built for it and I can give you a few tips if you'd like to make your life easier.