As Windows gets worse and worse and less reliable the ONLY thing keeping me using this piece of crap OS instead of LINUX is DazStudio.
Absolutly every other program I have has a linux release.
You have a MAC version.
Mac is based on linux. Both platforms use C++ which is the base for DS. I cannot understand why your programmers cannot port a LINUX distro?
Why can't you find programmers able to port an actual native LINUX version so we can use a stable fast operating system without having to consider the huge cost of buying new MAC machines?
Blender is on Linux...why not DS?
While MacOS is UNIX-compliant I don't believe it is Lunux based - if it were it would have to be open-source.
Not necessarily. UNIX for instance and RedHat is not open source. RedHat has a open source version called Fedora. And if you use an open source but then modify it you can copyright that version and close the source. That is quite common such as when an appliance manufacture uses a linux core to run an appliance, that is no longer open source.
In either case LINUX is open source so there is nothing to prevent a DS version for linux. MacOS is based on a Unix/Linux base so it would follow that DS programmers are most of the way to being able to finish a port. C++ is used on all distrobutions incuding for linux OS.
Red Hat is still Linux, what you pay for with Red Hat rather than Fedora is support .
Embedded systems, and licensing in general, are discussed here
Apple has its own development tools, so a Linux version would be different. And of course Daz would need a Linux development environment that did not render the code of Daz Studio itself open source (especially as portions are licensed from third-parties.
So, which of the Linux distros are they supposed to support. And which not?
Given that other than the "package" type used there would be virtualy no difference. But some linux distro's are not favored for multimedia while others are. Ububtu for instance actualy has a distribution geared specifically to multi media production. A package for Debian for instance works for many distributions including Ubuntu. Same packages install on all dervived platforms. Distro's geared towad netwok administration such as CentOS, Gentoo etc. would not be interested in media production.
Aim at one package type, Debian which will install into nearly any flavor that is favored for media production. The rest won't really want it anyway even though a port to other distros is just package format not the program itself.
DS is built on C++ which is universal. Once developed it is not that much more to port it out to Mac, Windows and Linux.
Windows is the LEST capable OS of the three when it comes to doing real work. I think of Windows as a hobby OS! Linux and MAC are more stable and powerful and don't have all the bloat and fluff associated with Windows to drag your system down.
And anyone with a Window PC can easily dual boot and install a Ubuntu or other Linux flavor so no new hardware cost involved unless, perhaps you need to add anothre HDD just for more disk space.
DS would FLY on Linux!
Oh...and LINUX is easier to install than Windows and does not cost a dime! ( Could it be that DS is anti-open source is the real reason?)
DS doesn't have opinions - AI isn't yet that advanced - and I'm sure Daz looks a the relative size of the pool of users, and the issues in supporting a given platform (see the previous comments about licensed components for example).
Just to add my two cents, Linux is all well and fine but just recently the Mint distro thought it fit to encrypt all of my personal data while I was migrating it, and I still haven't been able to decrypt. The OS never even informed me that it was about to do this. Since then, I've been using the Linux part of my dual boot much, much less, and I was fairly happy that all my DAZ stuff had been out of Mints's reach ...
Run SuSE Linux
It is possible to run a VM through SuSE on seperate SSD to host a Windows Virtual host, I understand your frustration with Windows, one problem with the OS is when you have a HDD with multiple installs and different software programs the hard drive DOS Block memory gets larger and larger, this is down to the drive storing dlls, digital signatures, dx files and everything you have done and more.
It works well if it runs one style of software ie: arts and cad or games. The problem comes when you mix multiple of different softwares on one OS/HD. Maybe a good idea for you would be to have a dual boot with two windows OS onSSD's, one for arts and cad and one for gameing. As an IT engineer this is one reason why companies dont like there staff playing games on work computers.
Try installing Windows 10 on a brand new HD/SSD, then install Daz Studio softwares only, i bet you will find it runs smooth.
One thing I will say, (I dont know if you do or dont) but stay away from dodgy software and illegal downloads, Windows does know when an illegal software is running and can reduce performance of the OS (even if you format a drive)
Shhh "dont tell anyone i told you but its all in the DOS Block Memory"
Hope this helps