Purchased decimator, cant use it

Just like the title says...

There are two in the list.  I paid for decimator, but the tab never shows up.

1072 x 390 - 88K


  • Enter the serial number, from https://www.daz3d.com/downloader/customer/serialnumbers , and restart Daz Studio.

  • Unforuntely there is no place to enter the serial number.  The "first" one already has a serial number.  The "second" one says unregistered and there is no action that can be applied to it.

  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    The missing ones will have the shopping cart icon and the check mark at the end.

    Looks like you haven't put in the one for your Studio yet either.

    Both are on that page Richard linked.

    Once you type (or copy/paste) those in, the shopping cart icon and check mark disappear.

    Then the little plugin icon turns green(enabled) after you restart Studio.

  • "The missing ones will have the shopping cart icon and the check mark at the end."   That's not correct.  The image I posted shows there is no shopping cart and no place to put a serial number.  It simply says "unregistered".  Highlighting the unregistered line shows information at the bottom:

    "Any evaluation period for this plug-in is no longer valid"  (screencap attached).  I did not purchase an "evaluation" version.  I paid for the full version of decimator.

    As shown in the screencap, there is no shopping cart or other place to enter my serial number.  The "other" decimator already has a serial number, but the plug symbol next to it is gray instead of green.

    I am not the only person with this issue.  This has been complained about since at least 2014.  All of the below threads, posted in this forum, describe my same issue, and in some cases show very similar screencaps.  It would be nice if Daz could fix this after 7+ years.






    1117 x 741 - 160K
  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    Did you try putting the serial number in the one that does have the shopping cart?

  • If you look at the screenshot it shows that there already is a serial number entered.

  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    That's a placeholder graphic showing you were to put it.It's not been entered yet.

    You need to manually put in the ones for decimator and for Studio.

    They don't autofil after you buy them.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,841

    shaun_1b4e50bd said:

    If you look at the screenshot it shows that there already is a serial number entered.

    No, that's just example text to show you what the format of the serial is.

  • Ok so after entering the serial on the first one it resolved the issue.  Thanks for the assist.

    More clear placeholder text would be helpful (e.g. "Enter serial number here") instead of what appears to be a masked serial.

  • AscaniaAscania Posts: 1,855

    I have to disagree. The current display is very clear and it importantly shows the format of the serial number it is expecting. And how a serial number has to be properly formatted has been a recurring issue with users.

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