Adding Reflection to Ocean water

So I bought this the other day -

And the scene I was trying to make is this character laying in water looking up at the stars. But I want to add a reflection of stars to the water, and I haven't seen another thread about this, so here I am! This is what the scene looks like so far. I also need to make his clothes look wet, but that's another post for another tim. 

1280 x 720 - 1M


  • margravemargrave Posts: 1,822

    If you want the water to reflect stars, you'll need an HDRI with clear skies for the water to reflect them properly, but the dome you're using seems like it has clouds in it. I can't see the rest, so I don't know what it looks like above him.

    If you find your Default Resources Kit, it'll include a bunch of free shaders like metal and glass. Apply a few and find out which ones have the best reflections. Take note of their settings, especially the glossy ones, and then tweak the water's shader properties until you get a nice mirror shine.

    Finally, to make a character's clothes look wet, you generally make the Base Color darker while turning up the gloss. Making it drape wetly is a whole oyher story; you'd need to either fiddle with the dForce settings or sculpt a morph.

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