Import/Convert xnalara .mesh.ascii / .mesh / .xps models?

Hi, so everyday i scroll through deviantart and other website, and multiple time i will find really cool model that you just can't find anywhere else. And my question is, how do i use them on daz? They are in "xnalara .mesh.ascii / .mesh / .xps" format , i don't know how to open them, use them or what to do with them.
If someone could please hellp me or guide me it would be great thanks
Post edited by Meraki on
I think you need Source Filmmaker and or Blender for those
they don't work in DAZ
Use the XNALara importer to open them in Blender. If you use snapping and the shrinkwrap modifier, you can theoretically make a morph for Genesis that conforms exactly to the XNALara base model. However, Blender has better posing/IK capabilities than Daz anyway, so unless you really want yo swap their hair/outfits, you're better off just posing them in Blender and exporting as an OBJ if you want to render in Iray.
XNALara/XPS has the ability to export to OBJ directly, and gather the textures, so not sure what the benefit if having Blender as an intermediate step is. Is there one?
The OP is asking how to open XPS format models they found on DeviantArt. They didn't say anything about using the actual XNALara program. That's another option, though it's not one I'm familiar with.
You're absolutely right, I was making an incorrect assumption about what the OP was asking.
The XNALara program is free and opens the files natively, obviously, so you can pose in there, modify clothes, accessories etc and then export as OBJ and import to DAZ.
That is the way I do it since blender makes no sense to me. pose it in XPS/XNALara and then save as OBJ and import into DS. I used to import it into 3DSMax and pose it, but the plugin stoppd working.
It's how I did this image
thx you all for the answer, it's a shame daz can't support it. But i'll try this new program
I gather the reason they don't support that format is that the majority of figures used in XPS are illegally ripped from games and shared, even sold online which is a big no no. fan art is one thing, sharing ciopyrighted parts from games is quite another.
If possible to share , What setting You`ve used when importing OBJ from XNA ? Those object always flipped in DAZ studio
I just happened to see this post during my diving through the webs... yes, there is a way to bring XNALara into DAZ. You need the following:
In short, you use CATS to import the XNALara model into Blender. Then using mmd_tools, you convert it to MMD. Then using same mmd_tools, export the model (it will create a .pmx file). Then in DAZ, with the MMDImported plugin installed, you drag and drop the .pmx file into the scene. This method works with any model w/ armature that you wish to bring into DAZ. There are some caveats but they are all solvable. This takes literally one minute to convert and it is ready to pose in DAZ.
Use responsibly.
But it has that weird rig that original xps model have? Which is different from one to another often.
AFAIK that particular MMD importer was removed from distribution in 2015. If you know of a legitimate source for it that would be interesting as it crops up in the forums occasionally. I managed to get a copy while it was available but others might like to know if you can still obtain it.
IMHO, there is another route, via rigged FBX. Note scaling may be anywhere from 'very small' to 'very large'.
Copy XPS model's folder with XPS, textures and preview PNG (if supplied) into 'data' folder of free XPS Posing Studio. Load into that Studio from there.
Via 'Modify', Save as Generic Item to *original* folder, selecting .MESH.ASCII format. Also, if textures are eg DDS, 'convert to PNG'.
Next, use free Noesis to open this .MESH.ASCII and export to same folder as rigged FBX.
When you import this rigged FBX to DS scene, it may have multiple sub-rigs.
Usually, FBX can be posed using *first* sub-rig in list. Some sub-rigs may be 'alternates' and 'accessories' to hide or delete.
Remember to link / credit sources, and please mention import scaling.
Do NOT redistribute without specific permission or use for commercial purposes / NSFW lest lawyers...