Harwood House - Additional Purchases Required?

I am looking at this one.


Some of the promo images show

1. a water tank/pool in front of the door.
2. the house surrounded by water, perhaps because of heavy rain
3. Also, heavy rain water drops.

I am assuming the product is only the house and its surroundings. ( i see the grey box photo which gives me a rough idea, what is included).

Now, what else do I need to get renders similar to the promo images? In other words, what other products did the vendor use to get those water related (pool, house surrounded by water, heavy rain) renders?

Note: Usually vendors list additional products used, but no water related products are linked in the product page. Hence my question.


  • I found a related image in the gallery. Once again, i see water and rain drops in front of the house.


    (I understand/assume the background lightning is simply a image backdrop. Or, is that 3D generated too? If so, how?)

  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624
    edited September 2021

    What I think you are seeing as a pool is the wet walkway. Please explain if I am looking at the wrong thing. Also in the other image I believe is the driveway that is wet and has puddles.  They have a product Iray Storm that has puddles and rain.  They also have Iray Rain which has some of the same.

    As far as the lightning there are several products in store that will let you do lightning in your image, I believe the Iray Storm has some kind prop/image that does.  It could also be an hdri with lightning in it.  You would have to message the Artist and see if they will give you that information to know for sure.  (For that specific image)

    Post edited by Daventaki on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,013


    There is "/Environments/Architecture/KA Harwood House/Materials/KAHH Exterior Paving Wet.duf", so the wet paving is an included material option.

  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    Ah Thanks PerttiA I did not know that!

  • @PerttiA

    Thank you for pointing out that detail. I keep forgetting that there is indeed a full file list in the detailed documentation section. Dont feel confident enough to look at such high level of technical detail, but hopefully I will get there soon.


    Yes, I see what you pointed out. There is a puddle already included.

    And those IRay rain products. Thank you for the links. I may have to get them, I think, at least to get the rain drops (if not the puddle).

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