Marketplace Poses?

So I spent a long time poo-pooing pose packs. I was gonna be an uber-creative DIY content maker who did it all myself, 100%, to the max...!
Anyway, long story short, I need some pose packs for a crowded market.
They can either be shopping, or just general people standing and walking in a crowd, so please rec me the best ones.
You didn't mention which figure but if you use the search term "idle" "stand" and "crowd" there's pose options for each generation of Genesis1-8.
Freebies OK if of adequate quality? Got some walking and bag carrying poses here: Particularly the first 2 posts.
I'm looking for recommendations rather than just blind buys.
Also, I thought I specified G2-G8 but I must've deleted that bit. I'll take any quality pose packs recommendations from G2 onwards.
They look like good poses, but unfortunately there's no cell phones or leather jackets where this scene takes place, so it's not quite enough. Still, I'll see if I can find a use for them, thanks.
Not aware of any good freeibes but check out this store to see if any will fit anything you need. She's one of the best pose artist on the site.
I have a set here they may be useful to you -
for both Male and Female characters, partial poses too.
Thanks for the suggestions, but fortunately (for my wallet) Daz just unloaded a dumptruck full of Genesis 3 poses for $1.99 apiece, so...I think I'm good.