Have to restart Daz after every render.

I have to restart Daz because after doing just one render Daz does not want to use my GPU. All I do is move the camera to a slightly different locations and when I start the next render only my CPU is doing rendering. If I restart Daz and do the same scene my GPU kicks in this time.
Any ideas on what is going on and what I can do?


  • What are your system specifications? How full are your scenes? Does this happen even with a trivial scene, such as a single primitive (from Create>New Primitive)?

  • It's probably just kicking you back to the CPU becuse there are too many things in the scene, You could try and turning off the CPU fallback but it may make things a bit worse. Go to render settings > Advanced > Uncheck allow CPU fallback. 

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    What are your system specifications? How full are your scenes? Does this happen even with a trivial scene, such as a single primitive (from Create>New Primitive)?

    I have an R9 3900x, 16GB RAM and an Nvidia 3060Ti. The scenes I was rendering ranged in complexity. The easiset one I had was with one character inside a dorm room. The setup was easy enough that most renders took between 5 and 10 minutes. Only used an overhead ghost light to light up the place.


  • wildtrainer said:

    It's probably just kicking you back to the CPU becuse there are too many things in the scene, You could try and turning off the CPU fallback but it may make things a bit worse. Go to render settings > Advanced > Uncheck allow CPU fallback. 

    I'll give that a go. Thank you. 

  • wildtrainer said:

    It's probably just kicking you back to the CPU becuse there are too many things in the scene, You could try and turning off the CPU fallback but it may make things a bit worse. Go to render settings > Advanced > Uncheck allow CPU fallback. 

    This worked great. Thank you so much. 

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