Why is it that items I wish to be hidden do not remain hidden????

There are TWO problems I'm having with this issue:

1) For whatever reason, DAZ will not classify the Starter Bundles as being part of the Pro Bundle packages. I have tons of the Pro Bundles, so I DO NOT NEED to see their Starter Bundles anymore!!

2) When I go to the various Starter Bundles' pages to set the "hide this product from listings" button, I see them begin to populate the Hidden Tab of the DAZ-Deals page.

The issue I have is the Hidden Tab in DAZ-Deals KEEPS EMPTYING ITSELF OUT whenever I leave the site and come back in a few days!!

Can't SOMETHING be done about FIXING these problems!!!???

At the very least, fixing #2 on my list would be VERY HELPFUL in permanently solving the problem, in that there are also many various bundles I wish to hide where I had bought all the components over time. I do not want to have to spend hours every time I visit to re-hide all those products!


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