White band in wet hair

Hello -  I'm new to using Iray but had been using 3Delight for years.  I have a V8 character with OOTs Drop Wet Hair loaded into my scene with an HDRI environment.  In the render there is a band of white - looks like noise (but thats probably not correct) - across the front of the characters head.  (Render attached)  I'm not familiar enough with the Iray to know which settings in surfaces to adjust to make this go away.  There are some materials settings from OOTthat I've enabled - Specular Low and SSS off.  I've tried with different default specular settings from OOT that are included with this hair but they all produce roughly the same results.   

Is there a materials setting in surfaces that I could play with or perhaps a setting in tonemapping.  (I have my environment intensity set at .75)

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. (the attached render is not "complete" but is far enough along to illustrate my issue.



Cammy Wet Hair Test.png
1920 x 1440 - 6M


  • It is noisy, but that looks to be a reflection from the HDRI sky.

  • Look for any settings dealing with "glossy" - "reflections" - metallic - etc. to get more of a mat hair.

    Wet hair would be shiny, but still, may want to use a different HDR in the render settings and/or background, rotate the sun around, change where the additional lights were placed, etc.

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