Not useing 3070 TI GPU memory error.

Hi there i just did a clean install of daz and i im slowly loading back on my assest but i cant get my gpu to render. Really stuck with this, im still less then 10 assest loaded and a simple render on my GPU, thanks for the help.


  • CPU Information:
    2021-09-11 10:32:49.634     CPU String: GenuineIntel
    2021-09-11 10:32:49.634     CPU Brand String:        Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4960X CPU @ 3.60GHz
    2021-09-11 10:32:49.635     Cache Line Size = 64
    2021-09-11 10:32:49.635     L2 Associativity = 6
    2021-09-11 10:32:49.635     Cache Size = 256

    2021-09-11 10:32:49.636 Physical Memory:
    2021-09-11 10:32:49.636     Total: 31.9 GB (34296385536)
    2021-09-11 10:32:49.636     Avail: 24.7 GB (26530320384)
    2021-09-11 10:32:49.636 Virtual Memory:
    2021-09-11 10:32:49.636     Total: 127.9 TB (140737488224256)
    2021-09-11 10:32:49.636     Avail: 127.9 TB (140732869849088)

    2021-09-11 10:32:55.047 NVIDIA Iray GPUs:
    2021-09-11 10:32:55.048     GPU: 1 - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti
    2021-09-11 10:32:55.048     Memory Size: 7.9 GB
    2021-09-11 10:32:55.048     Clock Rate: 1770000 kHz
    2021-09-11 10:32:55.048     Multi Processor Count: 48
    2021-09-11 10:32:55.048     CUDA Device ID: 0
    2021-09-11 10:32:55.048     CUDA Compute Capability: 8.6
    2021-09-11 10:32:55.048     PCI Bus ID: 1
    2021-09-11 10:32:55.048     PCI Device ID: 0
    2021-09-11 10:32:55.048     TCC Mode: disabled
    2021-09-11 10:32:55.048     Display: attached
    2021-09-11 10:32:55.048 NVIDIA Iray Scheduling Configuration:
    2021-09-11 10:32:55.049     CPU Load Limit: 12
    2021-09-11 10:32:55.049     CPU Thread Affinity: enabled
    2021-09-11 10:32:55.049     GPU Load Limit: 1



  • Here is the Start of the rendering Process.


    Thank you again for any help.

    Start of Render.txt
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,013

    What were you rendering, an animation or what?

    The log is quite busy and doing things it shouldn't when rendering, running scripts, loading assets and starting over, but at least it did get to saving something at "2021-09-11 10:38:54.439 Saved image:..." just before it started over again with 3.982 GiB textures, which was too much this time.

    Also, you have specified both the GPU and CPU as rendering devices, unselect the CPU.

  • Going into Daz3d, most people don't realise they have other programs, that might be using GPU and how much VRAM it's using. I have a laptop atm, so 6Gb of VRAM doesn't go very far, just like your 8Gb I have to be careful with, so I understand, if you have something on computer using it all up it helps to know what it is.

    Most of the time, weirdness is due to things like ticked box for "Hardware Acceleration", in Browser like Chrome, Firefox etc, and even email managers like Thunderbird. Most of the time these programs will work perfectly fine with no "Hardware Acceleration" aka you GPU.

    You can take a look if a GPU is using VRAM, by open Task Manager, goto Details tab. Right click on one of the columns at the top and "select columns" and look for something like "Dedicated GPU memory" (This is not enabled by default).

    Click to enable and then ok.

    Now you can order the list by clicking on "Dedicated GPU memory" by high to low and vice versa if you do it again, if you see anything using lots of VRAM find out what it is.

    Obviously Daz Studio is a program that should have Hardware Acceleration, things like "dwn.exe" and "crss.exe" are core windows files (Leave them alone).

    Anything else, if your recognise it, open up the program, find it's settings and see if you can disable it's hardware acceleration, it be different place depending on the the program. If it works fine afterwards, I guess it didn't need it.

    For context Thunderbird can take up over 4Gb Vram if you enable hardware acceleration given enough time, it's a known bug they never really fixed. Most browsers can use 500mb to 1Gb.


    I'm familar with the stuff your trying to render, if the above doesn't work, see if something simplier works instead, without those particular attachments (Hopefully you know what I mean).

  • Here is the log with only the GPU enabled and CPU fall back disabled and a log on GPU - Z to show back ground memory useage without a render going, without daz runing through to daz runing and the scene loaded. Thank you for all the help

    GPU-Z Sensor Log.txt
    Force GPU error.txt
  • I'm just rendering a simple scene with only a few assest and less then 300 mb of Vram is being used for other things though daz is useing over 4-5 gb without a scene loaded is that normal?


  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,013
    Again the process did finish rendering before starting again;
    2021-09-11 11:13:01.738 Saved image: C:\Users\d00ms\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\temp\render\r.png

    Are you using Iray preview? use texture shaded instead to keep the GPU load down and preview from messing with the render.

    The scene you are loading is quite heavy on a 8GB GPU with it's 3.982 GiB textures, it still does render on GPU, but the way you are using DS eventually causes it to fail.

  • Scene Items :


    Nodes :


    Lights :


    Cameras :


    World-Space Modifiers :


    Scene Geometry : Active / Base

    Total Vertices :

    1,531,057 / 425,146

    Total Triangles :

    7,763 / 7,995

    Total Quads :

    1,511,790 / 413,532

    Total Faces :

    1,519,553 / 421,527

    Total Lines :

    0 / 0


    Primary Selection :

    Name :


    Label :

    Genesis 8.1 Female

    Class :


    Vertices :

    405,857 / 16,556

    Triangles :

    0 / 0

    Quads :

    403,848 / 16,368

    Total Faces :

    403,848 / 16,368

    Total Lines :

    0 / 0

    that is the scene info if that helps in any way, but when that one render i just did finshed im still siting at 7.5 Gb of VRAM still in use and i stay in filmat mode when i do the render switching to text shad only drops VRAM usage to 7.2k. Thank you for the help by the way.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,013

    That doesn't help.

    Your biggest problem with that scene are the textures, their size is bringing the VRAM consumption close to maximum your card can handle.
    Reduce the size of the textures and you will have more elbow room to work with.

  • Thank you for helping me with all of this is ha been greatly apperiacted do you know of a good script for texture compression?

  • d00msbane911_3171a1c1e4 said:

    Thank you for helping me with all of this is ha been greatly apperiacted do you know of a good script for texture compression? ;

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