.moc files not being autogenerated
I am trying to compile the first sample project, AFirstPlugin, but when I generate the code in CMake my moc files are not generated. My CMakeLists.txt is below:
#********************************************************************** # Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Daz 3D, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # This file is part of the DAZ Studio SDK. # # This file may be used only in accordance with the DAZ Studio SDK # license provided with the DAZ Studio SDK. # # The contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, # copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the # prior written permission of Daz 3D, Inc, except as explicitly # allowed in the DAZ Studio SDK license. # # See http://www.daz3d.com to contact DAZ 3D or for more # information about the DAZ Studio SDK. #********************************************************************** set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) set(DZ_PLUGIN_TGT_NAME sdk_afirstplugin) set(DZ_PLUGIN_PROJECT_NAME "A First Plugin") if(WIN32) set(OS_SOURCES AFirstPlugin.rc afirstplugin.def ) elseif(APPLE) set(OS_SOURCES "") endif() add_library( ${DZ_PLUGIN_TGT_NAME} SHARED afirstpluginaction.cpp afirstpluginaction.h afirstplugindlg.cpp afirstplugindlg.h pluginmain.cpp version.h ${OS_SOURCES} ) target_link_libraries(${DZ_PLUGIN_TGT_NAME} PRIVATE dzcore ${DZSDK_QT_CORE_TARGET} ${DZSDK_QT_GUI_TARGET} ${DZSDK_QT_SCRIPT_TARGET} ) set_target_properties (${DZ_PLUGIN_TGT_NAME} PROPERTIES FOLDER "samples2" PROJECT_LABEL ${DZ_PLUGIN_PROJECT_NAME} ) source_group("Resource Files" REGULAR_EXPRESSION ".*\\.(rc)")