To: oso or rawart -- how about an anthropomorphic rabbit ?

hi oso/rawart,
i love those anthropomorphic animals... got several from each of you..
what we're missing is a anthropomorphic rabbit... like in usagi yojimbo
i was hoping either of you could make that happen ?
of course g8m/g8f based with dforce fur so we can put our regular clothes on them ?
thanks for your consideration
Is Harvey close enough for your purposes?
hmmm... yeah... pretty close actually... the face morph isn't quite like i'd expect but i can mix in some other ones i've got...
the body is very cool.. and the fur is nice and dense... looks good... thanks for pointing this out
Quick render slapped together using for rabbit elements for toon proportions for a more animal like face morph
I messed something up with the face fur (I don't like the default goatee and I can't be assed to redo it right) but this could be close to what you are looking for.
haha.. nifty... i got the hfs morphs... didn't think of using those.. good idea
what head morphs did you mix in ?
it looks more bunny like than the default harvey
I think Faun at 100% and Cat at arround/below 40%. You can also atempt Deer instead of Cat but then you risk the ears being noticable without hair.
Edit: Faun is nessary to get the proper nose shape for me.
I've honestly been thinking of doing one for ages.
It's on my list. ;)
well oso.. if you make a rabbit then i'll get it even though i got harvey now... sooooo bunny moving up the list <wink><wink><nudge><nudge>
the storybook rabbit is neat but more cartoony... anthromorphic animals are more on the stylized towards realistic..
but looks like i got more options than i had thought...
thanks all