Cannot Save Presets Since DAZ Studio Update

Not sure what happened, but since I downloaded the update, every single time I try to save a preset (no matter what I name it, and no matter where i try to save it), it just says: "Error saving file. The render could not be saved. Try again or choose a new name." (Note that trying again and/or choosing a new name are not actually possible, since the buttons do not respond when pressed)

Anyone else running into this?


  • Paper Tiger_3932026Paper Tiger_3932026 Posts: 108
    edited September 2021

    Ok, it appears that it is only referring to the .png files. It refuses to save any, so i get the error message letting me know that im going to deal with a bunch of exclamation icons from here on out i guess

    Post edited by Paper Tiger_3932026 on
  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    The only problem I've found so far is iray crashing on certain tif format( some tif files not all ) material files, other than that I've had no problems at all.

    Are you on a mac?

    Where you trying to save those png files?

    Are you having trouble saving renders, material presets, or something else?

    What buttons aren't responding?

    Was Studio running when you tried to update it?

  • I'm on PC, Windows 10.

    The png files save automatically when you save a preset, just the little preview icons. I'm trying to save them in My Library > Presets > Characters/Scenes/Wearables. They were saving normally prior to the update.

    The trouble doesn't come with the actual DSON files, the scenes, characters, wearables, etc all save just fine, it's just that every time i save them, i get an error message stating that it couldn't save the associated png file for icon preivews.

    When the error is presented, there are three options "Try again", "Change File Name", or "Cancel" ... neither of the buttons respond, but I can 'X Out' of the error message, and the file still saves. It's just monotonous to have to close the error every time i save something ... i save a LOT when im working on a scene,

    Studio wasn't running when i tried to update. But instead of doing a direct update, i did a full uninstall. cleared the AppData / Roaming folder, backed up my presets, uninstalled Daz IM, the works. Because there were a TON of broken links to old deleted presets that just wouldn't go away no matter what i did. That is the only thing i can think of that may have something to do with it.

  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    hmm, that's odd.

    All my preview images are in png format( that's default for DS so everyone's will be) and they work just fine no matter where I try to save my presets.

    So I've not been able to reproduce this one.

    Might want to post your log and any screen shots you can grab of the actual error message.

  • The log file from when it happens (Last two lines): 

    2021-09-06 01:07:04.189 DEBUG: IRay Memory Assistant Exited.

    2021-09-06 01:07:04.202 Script executed successfully: C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/scripts/simtenero/iraymemoryassistant.dse

    2021-09-06 01:07:12.991 Loading script: C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/scripts/v3digitimes scene optimizer/v3dso 01 store scene texture map state.dse

    2021-09-06 01:08:06.859 DEBUG: bisATempMap false

    2021-09-06 01:08:30.120 Script executed successfully: C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/scripts/v3digitimes scene optimizer/v3dso 01 store scene texture map state.dse

    2021-09-06 01:08:46.268 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileoutput\dzassetoutfile.cpp(11229): No geometries match the vertex count of morph "PHMEyelashesCurl"

    2021-09-06 01:08:46.273 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileoutput\dzassetoutfile.cpp(11229): No geometries match the vertex count of morph "PHMEyelashesCurl"

    2021-09-06 01:08:46.279 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileoutput\dzassetoutfile.cpp(11229): No geometries match the vertex count of morph "PHMEyelashesTopPoint"

    2021-09-06 01:08:46.279 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileoutput\dzassetoutfile.cpp(11229): No geometries match the vertex count of morph "PHMEyelashesCurl"

    2021-09-06 01:08:46.284 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileoutput\dzassetoutfile.cpp(11229): No geometries match the vertex count of morph "PHMEyelashesCurl"

    2021-09-06 01:08:46.483 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileoutput\dzassetoutfile.cpp(11229): No geometries match the vertex count of morph "PHMEyelashesCurl"

    2021-09-06 01:08:46.841 Failed to save image: C:\Users\Ron\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\Scenes\Chronicles of Kartis\Queen's Chamber\QC - Sirens.duf.png

    2021-09-06 01:08:46.841 Operation failed


    As well as a screenshot I added. This error message occurs when i save ANYTHING. Scene. Character Preset. Wearables Preset. Materials, etc ... everything that would normally generate a png thumbnail.

    Error Message.png
    2560 x 1440 - 4M
  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    The only things that catch my eye are Scene Optimizer and the Iray Memory Assistant.

    Maybe try disabling them and restarting DS.

    Make a simple scene with something like a single primitive and attempt to save it.

    If the problem goes away then it's something with one of those scripts.

  • I did that several times already, sadly. A scene with a single G8 Female. One with just a single ghost light, and nothing else. No change.

  • I thought it may have something to do with folder permissions, but again, it's happening no matter where i try to save it. and the scene file itself saves, the issue is specific to the png icons O.o

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    ronstringfellow said:

    I did that several times already, sadly. A scene with a single G8 Female. One with just a single ghost light, and nothing else. No change.

    Did what? Disable Scene Optimizer and Iray Memory Assistant? 

  • No, just tried the single scene with a small light, and without using either the scene optimizer or the memory assistant. But it seems like whatever it is is stopping me from saving renders too... so I might as well try disabling them and see.

    Error Message.png
    2560 x 1440 - 3M
  • Yeah that's a no-go. I uninstalled both The IRAY MA and the scene optimizer, created a new scene with literally nothing in it. Same problem.


    2021-09-06 02:04:36.066 Failed to save image: C:\Users\Ron\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\Scenes\Chronicles of Kartis\Queen's Chamber\Blank Scene.duf.png

    2021-09-06 02:04:36.067 Operation failed


    That's all it ever says. "Operation Failed." Not even a remote clue as to why.

  • So whatever this update's done ... I quite literally can't use Daz Studio anymore ... sigh.

  • Paper Tiger_3932026Paper Tiger_3932026 Posts: 108
    edited September 2021

    Sigh ... figured it out ... it was Avast! Blocking Daz from changing files ... whitelisted Daz and now everything's fine. Thanks everyone for the assists though!

    Post edited by Paper Tiger_3932026 on
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