all properties in timeline animated pose preset

at the moment only translations and morphs save as an animated pose preset
on many objects not even the latter
I can keyframe light colour and intensity, and can puppeteer some things too ( not light colour)
but I cannot save an animated pose unchecking translations to apply to other lights for example
or puppeteered candle flame shapes for example
the keyframes are there but there is no checkbox and other save types such as properties are not animated
I want to apply staggered candle flicker poses to 20 candles or light variations to 20 lights instead of doing each one painfully induvidually
I knew this was a DAZ studio limitation with the old timeline but now the keys are exposed and animatable it must be possible to create a supersave pose with checkboxes for all attributes like I can in Carrara for example with NLA clips
A pose preset will save only proeprties that have their type set to Modifier/Pose/. Try using a Properties Preset instead.
They are here (
ah I haven't checked for a while, last time I looked I couldn't
I will need to see if I can apply it to different objects though as have a feeling I have been down this road before
If it doesn't work the other workaround is to chnage all the proeprties to Modifier/Pose before saving the preset (it will apply on the regular item, they just need to be changed on save) but I hope that will not be needed.
Yes indeed Properties does work, for light colour and intensity too
Pretty sure this was added since I last tried it a few builds ago
the flames and smoke are called poses but don't show in animated pose but do in properties so probably are not really poses