*SOLVED* How to move DAZ Studio favorites menu items to a new machine?

Mark_e593e0a5Mark_e593e0a5 Posts: 1,599
edited September 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

Giving up on the forum search....

I want to move my custom settings, esp. the "favorites" menu from one machine to another. The menu items are rather easy to move, but seem to point into nowhere. The products, scripts or items they link to are installed, but cannot be called from the "migrated" menu item. I have moved my user/Appdata/Roaming/DAZ 3D/Studio4 files to the new computer. Content has been copied to the correct path and CMS has been refreshed.

What have I been missing?

Post edited by Mark_e593e0a5 on


  • If you're referring to the "Favorites" in the menu bar,  it's the Custom actions.dsx file that has that information.

    Might need to recopy the file.


  • DrunkMonkeyProductions said:

    If you're referring to the "Favorites" in the menu bar,  it's the Custom actions.dsx file that has that information.

    Might need to recopy the file.


    Thanks a lot for the quick help. Re-copying the file did the trick laugh 

  • Glad to be of service.


    It's usually a good idea to copy the files over after the first run of DS, as it overwrites certain files on initial launch.

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