95cm Traffic Cone Freebie

richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,729
edited August 2021 in Freebies

In the UK there are literally millions of Traffic Cones. Most of them live permanently on the motorways where 30 or 40 miles at a stretch may have a cone every 6-10 feet. So they are very, very common here. I was doing an image where I wanted a picture of a 2CV slaloming down a line of them. And realised I didn't have a model of a cone and had never downloaded one, either. So as it was quicker to model one up, I nipped out to our front garden where I have 2 motorway size cones (long story how I got them that I won't bore you with, but it revolves around 2 separate cars running into the back of 2 different parked vans outside our house) and measured them up. This is the result of modelling the cone. The  thing is texture mapped using UVMapper, but currently there is no texture applied, just a DAZUber shader and some base colours to the three material zones. The reflector sections have metallic flakes applied to make them reflect a bit better.

There are four colours of cone material supplied, the usual orange, but also the more specialist colours seen on UK motorways. The green one is to mark either side of a 'Works Exit' on a motorway approximately every mile. The blue with yellow band marks a high voltage overhead obstruction and are usually coupled with red & white poles and flag tape between, which I've not modelled. The final one is a colour I cannot really remember as it's relatively uncommon, it indicates a non-electrical overhead obstruction, and I think the colour is purple.

Anyway, the wip of the image I modelled the cones for is above. I intend to add a passenger looking terrified & screaming and the driver is unable to hear due to the engine roar. I'm wanting to illustrate the 2CV mantra that 'If you can hear the passenger scream, you're not trying hard enough' in action. And the car really does lean like that when you're gunning it.



95cm Traffic Cone Ad.jpg
1200 x 800 - 490K
95cm Traffic Cone.zip
Post edited by richardandtracy on
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