Render a 36 Frame Animation with Dforce Cloth Simulation


I have a very simple question for those who already have experience with Dforce and animations.

I am NOT talking about simulating clothing via the timeline.

It is about an animation, person moves from a to b and wears DForce clothes.

Question: Do I need to simulate each frame separately and then render the 36 frames individually or am I just not finding the switch to simulate and render the 36 frames of the timeline one after the other.

Thanks and greetings,




  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    Yeah, you have to use Timeline Play Range to simulate the clothing, then render your animation to Image Series or a Movie (set in Render Type). You better set 0.5 or 1 in Initialization Time to make the clothing drape before moving.

  • Why would you not want to do a Playrange simulation here? It's the only way to have the frames be evolutions of each other - if you did each starting from zero to the final pose then there would be abrupt jumps in the clothing from frame to frame.

  • M_FindtM_Findt Posts: 29

    Hello, ok, I have now understood from your answers that I should set the Render Settings to Image Series and the Simulation Settings to Animated (Use Timeline Play Range).

    When I start the simulation now, it looks good in the last frames and in the first as if it has not been simulated yet. What am I doing wrong?

    Is it really so hard to use an aniblock with DForce clothes?

    I have attached the image of frame 0 and frame 36.

    Thank you


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  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    The clothing/hair have an initial status before simulation which do not really fit the character. So that's why I suggested you set a value to Initializaiton Time in the pane of Simulation Settings. It will make the clothing / hair drape to some extent before starting simulation at frame 0.

    Pls take a look at the screenshots I cut from an animation I made before. You may see the difference with / without Initialization Time. I just used a value of 0.5, you could set 1 or 1.5 to make the clothing drape more. Pls give it a try.


    SNAG-2021-8-29 0115.png
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    SNAG-2021-8-29 0116.png
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