sci-fi wall damage effects?

I am trying to do a fight scene where a superhero will take on some guy who he proceeds to throw around a sci-fi type corridoor. They often make contact with the walls and other props. The superhero in question is one that is of sognificant strength so I was wanting to add some damage effect to the walls that they may throw some of their opponents at, does anyone have any idea how one might be able to do this? can it be done?


  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    edited August 2021

    Mesh Grabber can deform multipolygon surfaces (e.g. a sphere but not a plane or a side of a cube):

    Post edited by Taoz on
  • Willy2Willy2 Posts: 177

    There are several ways to show some damage effect on a wall.

    • modify the mesh to make a deformation. This can be considered if the wall is very deformable (metal wall for example) You can do this very easily with Zbrush.
    • use a bump texture to show slight deformations on the wall (this avoids deforming the mesh)
    • use a specific texture that you can create with Photoshop for example. You can take a stripes texture, dirt texture or blood texture. Then in Photoshop, you will use the eraser (opacity 50%, flow 50%) to erase the borders in order to obtain the shape you want. Still with Photoshop, you can mix this texture with the texture of the wall. You can also create planes with your texture (with a certain transparency) Then you will place them on the walls (this solution is much more flexible)

    For the textures you will create, I advise you to make a bump texture and a specular texture with the ShaderMap software (the basic version is free)


  • Willy2Willy2 Posts: 177

    If you don't have ZBrush, you can use Blender which offers brushes, allowing you to make scratches or deformations.
    But your wall will need to have enough subdivisions (if not, you will need to use the Subdivide modifier)

    For the creation of textures, if you don't have Photoshop, you can use Gimp:

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    Mesh grabber is a pretty useful tool to distort the wall if you don't wanna export the Prop for sculpting (GoZ or blender, etc.), and you can also modify the textures for sure to make some special effects.

    Beside, you may also use Gescon Constructive Solid Geometry, to make the wall fracture and collaps if your hero is really superlaugh

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