If you make hair with braids or pony tails, please rig them and use proper names for morphs

The title says it all. A lot of hair with braids and/or ponytails just slap them on the cap. And maybe give them some movement morphs like Movement A, Movement B, Adjustment T and Blow Left. (What they do is up to the consumer to figure out)
And if you try to give the ponytail or braid a more specific form i.e. accordingly to armour with high shoulder pads, a hand gesture interacting with the braid or chairs with a high backside. You ran out of luck b/c there are no bones to manipulate. It's frustrating b/c there are so many awesome-looking hairstyles out there and nearly none of them can be used besides vanilla portrait shots on standing models. -.- And the saddest thing is, more and more DAZ originals are guilty of this too.
I really wish there would be a QA, with defined standards in naming and structure, at least for "DAZ Originals".