Property favourite state, is it used?

Is the favourite state (little heart symbol) between the lock and options do anything?


  • It adds the property to the Favourites group in that scene, it doesn't affect other scenes though. It is also used in some cases to target proeprties (e.g. in combination with the Geometry Editor tool tor emove selected vertices from the effect of all favourited morphs).

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Yes, but if you want it to use them for all your characters that are using the same base figure, you need to;
    - Load "Genesis 1/2/3/8/8.1 Basic Male/Female" (to an empty scene), do not pose or change the value of the dials
    - Check the favorite tag on all the dials you want to memorize as favorites
    - Edit->Save As->Support Asset->Save Modified Assets

    If you check the favorite tags for a character that you are working on, those favorite tags will be remembered for that character alone

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870

    I find it very annoying when purchased products have morphs favorited. I think the PA was just careless when saving the object and did not turn those favorites off after they completed their development.

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