Horse Drawn Carriage Wheel Rotation

Hi all I'm quite new to animation and Daz3D. I bought the Horse Drawn Carriage and the Daz Horse 2 for a scene but am having trouble with the wheel rotation.

Amy advice would be welcome.



  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,554

    Do you mean this one? Horse-Drawn Carriage for Daz Horse 2? What kind of rotation problem do you have?

    There is a Parameters controller at the Carriage level in the hierarchy that controls all four wheels at once. They do move the same amount (180 degrees) for a controller value of 100, which doesn't quite respect the diameter of the wheels (front ones should rotate faster that the back ones), nor take into account turn radius, assuming they aren't rigidly linked left to right either in the model (they're not) or in real life, but, hey, that's complicated. (I did just notice that the left rear wheel, when used on its own, turns the front wheels at the same time).


  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    in daz "animation conventions", 0 = 360 = 720 = ... so you must break such rotations into multiple smaller parts (increments of +89, or the like). I've also had different results by specifically using the sliders to set the rotation, rather than using the universal controller. The keyframe/graph-editors can help you analyze the various ways Daz Studio 'interprets' your logical intentions and settings.

    animating in a tool designed for full-spectrum (real) animation is also a highly recommended option - not being snarky, just sharing some very expensive experience.



  • Thanks for this I thought it was acting very strange and although I don't have aniMate2 atm I have realised that something strange was going on. I hadn't noticed the parameter for the carriage so hopefully this will provide an adaquate solution.
    Thanks again for responding, much appreciated.

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