'Masculine' Attitude Poses For G2F

Something along these lines, except for G2F:
Why, oh, why, do so many pose packs for G2F force her to adopt girly/sexy/teenage looks? Nine times out of ten, I need a base pose I can put a model in quickly and then modify, designed for strong-willed, sometimes even predatory, female characters. Something which looks like she's giving someone attitude to someone, threatening them, shouting convincingly at them and so on. Something you could see an anarchist punk, grizzled military veteran or just someone who's downright angry, using. :) Aggression and confrontational attitude - without the forced feminine sexiness!
Bonus points if it comes with seperate upper/lower body poses, so that we can mix-and-match or use them with geo-grafted Succubus Add-On body parts!
http://www.daz3d.com/bwc-gun-girl-gia is a good set.
There's no reason you can't use some of the male poses on the females. I do that a lot and then just adjust them.
Yes, got that one - only really meant for scenes with weapons, however. :)
I hadn't known G2M poses could be used for G2F (and presumably vice versa). Makes me wonder why pose packs are even designated for just the one gender, if that is so.
I use male poses on females constantly. Male poses are much more likely to be neutral to unisex-looking where female poses are much more likely to be sexualized regardless of their topic. This is entirely market-driven, unfortunately, so there's not much point bugging the pose makers about it. I suspect that a lot of people who want aggressive female poses do what I do and just buy the male ones, so sales of the female ones are poor, so then they don't get made.
In general, when using a male pose on a female you'll have to adjust for the position of a hand on a hip, or the distance to the ground of a foot in a kneel/squat. They're adjustments you would have to make for a female different from base G2F anyway, so I don't consider it a big deal; but these adjustments are also why these poses have to be called "male" instead of "unisex" poses (because technically you DO have to adjust them). A standing pose where the person isn't touching anything often requires no adjustment at all.
FeralFey does a lot of unisex to aggressive poses for both sexes if you look through her store. I especially love Spear Maiden and Milady's Blade.
Someone should do one called Women In Charge for G2F that's 100% aggressive women without weapons (pointing, hands on hips, sneering at something offscreen, etc.). I bet it would sell because it's so rare. Maybe I will try it. ;)
Ah-hah, that explains a lot... I hadn't thought bout the slight differences regarding hips and feet. As you say, though, it's relatively trivial.
Please do, if the time proves to be available! I'd certainly buy it. Too many of the female ones seem made more for rebellious teens than, well... Rebels in general. :) Even more useful in sci-fi, where Susan Ivanova-like characters can be shown tearing verbal strips off their subordinates. Lots of room for poses where G2F is yanking someone in by the collar, shoving people out the way, threatening someone with a baseball bat, rabble-rousing a crowd from atop rubble or a pool table, kneeing some poor, unfortunate guy in the crotch, performing a hold-up with a switchblade, flipping someone the finger, etcetera. Hell, we need some moves for anarchist, mohawk-wearing, punk girl-band singers, if nothing else!
Could see potential for holding/lashing/swinging poses for your various chain/rope products, too (as well as some for an evil villainess taking her latest chained/bound victim for a humiliating 'walkies').
I like using men's poses for females. There is a lot fewer hip thrust, swayback poses that are over used for g2f. I've honesty think a lot of the female poses are really exaggerated.
Hey All!
I just came across this thread. Sorry I didn't see it sooner. Thanks for the nod, Sickleyield.
I do try to keep the hip thrusting to a minimum on the female pose I make (unless it's indicated - ie: flirty/pinup poses). There are physiological differences between how men and women carry themselves due to center of gravity and weight distribution, but there's nothing that says you can't use a male pose on Genesis 2 Females for an aggressive female, or a female pose on Genesis 2 Males for a more sensitive male. It was easier to make the mental jump from one to the other in the Genesis 1 models, but when DAZ split the genders up in Genesis 2, it put me in a position where I have to delineate, at least on paper, which gender a set was designed for. (And Sickle is correct - there are distinct differences between shoulder width, hip width, and leg length on the two models that warrant distinct poses...or at the very least require tweaking the pose to fit the shape. Even on the Genesis 1 model.)
As a sidebar, I am working on a set for the PC/PC+ that have more aggressive female poses for Genesis 2 and Genesis 1. I hope to have it submitted to DAZ in the next couple of weeks.
Excellent news! Looking forward to seeing those.
And as an aside, I seem to have quite a few pose sets from you which I find amazingly useful. Electromancy, High Drama, Defenders Of The Deep, Witch Gear, etcetera... Much appreciation for your work. :)
Thanks Xenomorphine. I appreciate your appreciation. :)
You'll be happy to hear that I've been working on quite a few pose sets of late for both the PC and my catalog that will work for both male and females (even though they're mostly labeled as for "males"). I think you'll find them useful. Or at least, that's my hope. :)
Well, I'm definitely looking forward to those!
Pose Builder has made this sort of thing much easier, but I'm always looking for more professionally-done poses!