Some Very Useful Searching Terms when Using Smart Content

crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
edited January 2023 in Daz Studio Discussion

My dear friends,

This forum has been really helping me a lot with resolving problems. Today I wanna share some pretty useful searching terms when using Smart Content. It took a long time for me to dig them out.cheeky

1. Search by full product description: e.g. "name::Agathe Outfit for Genesis 8 Female(s) , then this product will be located

2. Search by SKU: e.g. sku::82106

3. Search by a partial product description: e.g. bracelet, then all the products containing 'bracelet' in descriptioin will be shown

4. Search by sub item's description: e.g. key::bracelet, then all the products in which there's a bracelet accessory/wearable will be shown

5. Search by Artist: e.g. key::Zev0

6. Search with 'and' wildcard : e.g. Genesis%8.1%Female, then all the products with description containing 'Genesis', '8.1' and 'Female'  will be shown

7. Search with 'or' wildcard: e.g. swimsuit kini bathing, then all the product with description containing 'swimsuit' or 'kini' or 'bathing' will be shown

Hope these tricks can help with speeding up your searching process in Smart Content~ Have a nice day and Happy Rendering!

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