Indent on bed or couch tool

Is there a tool or script that easily indents texture/material such as when a character sits on a couch or bed? I've seen the YouTube videos on how to use a d-focre modifier but it seems like a daunting task and when I tried it it just didn't come out right. Just trying to see if there is an easier way such a tool that someone created to make indent impressions on any surface. thanks


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,554

    Does it need to be interactive? If not, you can use a weight-mapped D-Former to do that, if there are enough polygons in the mesh to retain some detail. It basically acts as a portable morph, which you can move around and adjust the intensity. It is non-destructive and just needs a little skill at painting weight maps.

  • Okay thanks. Interactive meaning like in an animation? I'm looking to do just still images. Ill research using a weight-mapped Deformer. Just wanted to see if there was a product one could purchase that would just do this automatically. thanks again
  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,554

    Interactive in that it would indent just by placing the figure on the cushion. Something with dForce would be interactive, but, as you say, might be tricky to set up. That said, there are some dForce cushions and other soft-surface props around, but I've never actually used them. Mesh Grabber would do the same as the D-Former, but it is more or less permanent without its Morph Editor add-on.

  • Okay great! Yea it looks like this mesh-grabber will do the trick. So basically is I have my character sitting on the couch, I just have to draw around the area my character is sitting. Use the tool (green arrow) and drag the couch texture down to my desired indent. I'll give this a try. thanks again
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