Multiple One Click Lights?

Hello, thanks for looking. I have a lot of light sets in Daz that when I click on them change the light set up. Problem is when I click on another set of lights the first set of lights are replaced with the new light set up. Is there a way to get the new lights to add to the scene and not replace the ones I already have?


  • Hold down the ctrl key (cmd on Mac) and double-click the preset - you will get a dialogue box that lets you choose to keep the existing lights, and it has a second tab which allows you to set the preferred option; in future you can use the preferred option simply by holding down shift and double-clicking a preset of that type, skipping the dialogue stage.

  • sunnyjeisunnyjei Posts: 502

    Hold down the ctrl key (cmd on Mac) and double-click the preset - you will get a dialogue box that lets you choose to keep the existing lights, and it has a second tab which allows you to set the preferred option; in future you can use the preferred option simply by holding down shift and double-clicking a preset of that type, skipping the dialogue stage.

    Holy crap, I use that all the time for posing so as not to move but didn't think to try that for lights! Thank you, next time I fire up Daz I'll try that!
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