Pain in the chest area!

Hi all,

I need help to understnad why I suddenly find that if I want to 'bend' the chest of a character, the 'Twist' and 'Side-Side' values are changing as well. This happens when I adjust any value, the others follow.  It's not happening on any other parameters, just the chest. I've not seen this before and I have no idea how I got into this mode but I am and I'm stuck. Which naughty little tick box is causing this and how do I get out of it?

Thanks in advance,



  • How are you bending - Viewport Gizmo or parameter sliders? If it's sliders, are they the ones on the bone itself or pose cotnrols on another bone or the figure itself?

  • geoff6geoff6 Posts: 250

    Parameter Sliders, I'm selecting the chest from the scene tab for the character and adjusting via it's sliders. It doesn't appear to be coming from 'auto follow' or any other obviuos links. I'm baffled.

  • Are any bones pinned?

  • geoff6geoff6 Posts: 250

    Okay, I fixed this although I don't know what caused it. I saved the pose of the character, deleted the character the reloaded the character, and reloaded the pose and now I have individual control over the parameters of the chest once again.

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