Ultraviolet Shader Scripts Crash Daz

When trying to use the Keep Maps Ultraviolet shader scripts by @Marshian and @RiverSoftArt that preserve the base maps, it entirely crashes Daz Studio.

The log file shows this error:
2021-08-20 06:05:17.268 WARNING: Script Error: Line 43
2021-08-20 06:05:17.268 WARNING: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.

I can load a simple figure into the scene, and nothing else, and when I select either a surface or the whole object, and apply any one of these scripts (with or without applying any of the shaders or Ultraviolet Copy Maps.dse), it will still crash Daz.

For example, using this:

data/cloud/1_66423/shader presets/marshian/ultraviolet shaders lights and props/shader presets/uv pink keep maps.dsa

Does anyone have any suggestions?  Am I trying to use them in the wrong way?  Does someone have some simple examples of using these scripts successfully?

By using the script "Ultraviolet Copy Maps" on a surface and then applying one of the Base Shaders, I get what I think the UV Keep Maps scripts are supposed to do in one step, so maybe it is not a problem, but I would love to know if there is something else that is supposed to happen here and why it is crashing Daz Studio itself.  I'm attaching an example on G8M.


2021-08-20 05:45:58.132 +++++++++++++++ DAZ Studio starting +++++++++++++++++

2021-08-20 05:45:58.158 Running on Windows 10, Build 9200, No Service Pack Installed

2021-08-20 05:45:58.162 P<samp>hysical Memory:</samp>

<samp>2021-08-20 05:45:58.162 Total: 127.9 GB (137360187392)</samp>

<samp>2021-08-20 05:45:58.162 Avail: 111.2 GB (119453257728)</samp>

<samp>2021-08-20 05:45:58.162 Current Memory Usage: 13%</samp>


400 x 400 - 110K


  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Some scripts just don't like being installed with Connect or working with content installed with Connect.

  • alamo4alamo4 Posts: 47

    Thanks, that does indeed seem to be the problem, and installing from DazCentral it seems to work.  I should have tried this, as UltraScenery didn't work from Connect, and only worked when I installed from DazCentral.

  • I submitted a fix for this crash today as it does not just have Daz Connect problems.

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