Medium sized spaceships & alien?

Hello everyone!
I'm curious where I could find a medium sized spaceship to be used in a "Star Wars"-inspired scene. The ones I've found seem to be either things like this relatively small fighter, these huge ones or so old that I assume they won't look at their best in a Iray render. I'm thinking I'd want a "Millenium Falcon" analogue, without actually using a model for that specific ship.
On a related note, any Genesis 8 (either female or male) characters that I might've missed that'd stand in well for well-known "Star Wars" aliens? Much like the Lekkulians make for fine Twi'lek?
Post edited by Hellwolve on
Still on the small side, but with a definite "Star Wars" feel is Starship R01. And Starship R02, and Starship R03. They'd definitely fit into any Star Wars-ish scenes you may be making, although they don't answer your immediate need for a medium-sized ship.
You might want to 'roll your own' with the Modular Starship Kit. Maybe the Arachnid Class Transport? I believe that Marcoor FG is inspired by "Mass Effect", but maybe it would do?
The design aesthetic of "Star Wars" varies quite a lot. You might find that sevein's rather organic-looking ships over at Renderosity, or even some of Kibarreto's ships, remind you of some of the ships in "Star Wars".
Vanishing Point at Renderosity has a spaceship named Peregrine, which has more than a few visual similarities to another 'falcon'-named ship you might know. I think it's an oldish model, though, so you might need to clean up the textures a bit.
Though, not all of them might stylistically fit your demands.
i would love a flying fortress like in the avengers movie.
Thanks for thinking along. Those you mention as being too small, are indeed a bit too small compared to what I'm looking for. The Arachnid Class Transport and Marcoor FG, however, do look pretty cool! As does that vessel over at Rendo you refer to.
As far as aesthetics go, yeah, I suppose I could've clearified. But I'm mostly into the hard-edges stuff, the stuff from episodes 4 through 6. The filthy, rebel stuff ;-)
Those are some very nice suggestions, though :-D
I would, too, but not for this Star Wars inspired scene I'm building currently ;) :)
Oh, one I forgot to mention is shawnaloroc's Colony Lander over at Renderosity. I think it counts as "medium-sized" and has the hard edged look, although to my mind it is more in the "Firefly" than the "Star Wars" aesthetic. Still, definitely worth checking out (especially as it's on sale today). I think it's one of their best products, and generally a pretty good-looking ship.
I've used it in a couple of renders, such as this one and this one (apologies for the self-promotion, but it's often helpful to see more than just the promo images that show up on the site).