parenting problems
recently when ever i parent an object it goes back to the entry spot? do i have to reset a command to stop this somewhere? like reset defaults? recently my redo and undo hot key commands stopped working and i went to customizations and reset them. do i have to do this with parenting? and where is this done? thanks!
Make sure you have "Parent in Place" checked.
thanks! a new lesson. i also am having difficulty getting mat jpg images to fit right on objects. the diffuse image will be vertical instead of horizontal. so i think ok, i'll make a copy flipping it. but it still applies vertically? what to do? thanks
I'm not sure what you mean - it sounds as if flipping end over end would be wrong, you want to rotate ninety (or two-hundred-and-seventy) degrees.
sorry, i rotated it 90 degrees. from this _ to this l it still reads as this _. i may have to contact the vendor as it appears to me that the object attaches in the wrong direction. thanks. it is also hard to tell because the jpg is larger when applied and i may have to resize. even when tiling it doesn't fit right. i just thought i was doing something wrong. but could this happen? thanks for your help, richard, as always. i just started daz in june and am extremely fascinated with the 3d rendering as i am a 2d designer. i dabdled with blender and makehuman 7 yrs ago for a couple of years got frustrated and quit. then i discovered daz, wow!
What item is it? Assuming it's not against the TOS maybe you could post some images showing the issues.
thanks richard,
it worked . just had to tweak the tiling better. can the lux render render mirrors? i'm just now using reality4 and i can't find instructions for settings to render reflected surfaces in lux. the entire plane that was set for reflections in one of my scenes completely drops out in the render. i'm not quite sure if it's a weight issue of the plane or are there special surface settings for the lux render aside from 3delight for reflections. trying to research is overwhelming. the renders are amazing in lux! my work looks like a photo.
I don't use Reality, but I think any Glossy or metallic surface will reflect. You may do better to ask in the big thread on Reality 4.