"Staging Chamber" GONE! WHAT?

"Staging Chamber" was part of my DAZ Studios installation files forever! Now it's not! I have a lot of scenes built on this! I DO NOT believe I should have to buy this. What's going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Have you looked in your account's product library?

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    The "Staging Chamber" files were part of my Default Installation files for DIM and DAZ Studios. I used them OFTEN to build a lot of scenes. Now, it's not part of my installation at all. 

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449


  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited August 2021

    It is showing in Content Library, but not in DIM. When I try to load a scene that uses those files DAZ says they don't exist. What gives?! When I go into DB Maintenance to try and re-import files it doesn't exist. SKU: 35467 isn't listed.

    Staging Chamber.png
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    Post edited by Piquant on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    It looks like, if nothing else, you may need to reinstall the product to fix the installation.

    First look at the item page: https://www.daz3d.com/staging-chamber

    Does it show as "Purchased"? (It will show that way either if you actually bought it, or if it was somehow included in your default Studio installation.)

    IF it shows as purchased, check your Product Library -- not the Content Library, the website section at https://www.daz3d.com/downloader/customer/files

    You can then filter by the name and either force DIM to download by choosing that option, or by installing manually, whichever you would prefer.

    If it DOES NOT show as "purchased", they you may need to file a ticket with tech support to work through the issue.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    Apparently, I'm going to have to fight for this. It doesn't show as purchased, because it was part of the default installation until now, for some awful reason. Attached is what I get now when I try to load any of the scenes I created with these files.

    Staging Chamber missing.png
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  • I don't recall its being part of the Starter Essentials at any time, it might have been in one of the add-on interactive tutorials (in which case I'd expect it to still be there).

  • ShelLuserShelLuser Posts: 749

    If it were part of the default setup then shouldn't everyone own this set already? I don't.

    Another issue here (IMO) is that it showing up in the content library also doesn't mean all that much. Anything will show up in there, including 3rd party materials (so: items which were not bought on the Daz marketplace). I've been around for quite some years and so far Daz never managed to lose any of my purchases, so I cannot help but wonder that something else is amiss here.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited August 2021

    Look, all I know for a fact is that those "Staging Chamber" files have been with me since I started DAZ about two years ago. I've built a lot using them. As you can see from the second screenshot I uploaded here those files were integrated into a scene, but now they are missing. Perhaps they were part of a tutorial, but why are they no longer there?

    Post edited by Piquant on
  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897

    There is a thread in the commons about a product vanishing from an account, wonder if this is something similar.

    If it is the same "issue" then you will have to open a ticket to get it resolved.

  • I had the Staging Chamber as aprt of a 2016 Platinum Club bundle, judging by the order date that shows in DS, but it doesn't seem to be part of the bundle now (or, I suspect, for a while as I had also grabbed it as a freebie with another offer later on). Please open a support ticket about this.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Products and Categories are handled by the CMS database much like not Smart Content.  Can you locate it under DAZ Studio Formats?

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited August 2021

    As shown in my first snapshot, it does appear in my Content Library, but everything within "Staging Chamber" is unlinked. So, I'm NOT crazy, it was there. Perhaps it was part of a bundle I bought or was given as a freebie, back at the start of my DAZ experience. Then, someone at DAZ decided they were not making enough money that way, so unbundled it. Anything is possible. I did open a ticket. Actually. I opened two because I did not know which department was best for this. Richard Haseltine, the following are the ticket titles:

    385822 SKU:: 35467, "Staging Chamber" is missing!

    385656 What happened to the DM Chamber files

    Post edited by Piquant on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    DAZ has not removed the product from your computer, they don't have means to do that. I suspect something has gone haywire with your smart content.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    NOT Products, that is still database driven and therefore useless for troubleshooting content issues.  Look for it under DAZ Studio Format.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,600

    I got it and 3 other products for free Order Date: 2020-04-19

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited August 2021

    Thank you for that information. I appreciate knowing that I'm not the only one that got it as a freebie.  :)   And, love your cat pic.

    Post edited by Piquant on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024
    edited August 2021

    Have you tried locating the files with Windows Explorer?

    If you go to the base folder of your content library, then navigate to "\Props\NGartplay\" you should see folders "Staging Chamber Iray" and "Staging Chamber 3DL"


    Withing DS, they should appear in the "Content Library" under "DAZ Studio Formats", "Props\NGartplay\Staging Chamber Iray\" and "Props\NGartplay\Staging Chamber 3DL\"

    So far you have not confirmed that you have checked (specifically) these locations.

    Post edited by PerttiA on
  • Richard Haseltine said:

    I had the Staging Chamber as aprt of a 2016 Platinum Club bundle, judging by the order date that shows in DS, but it doesn't seem to be part of the bundle now (or, I suspect, for a while as I had also grabbed it as a freebie with another offer later on). Please open a support ticket about this.

    Jack was able to check this earlier and the Staginf Chanber wasn't in that bundle, I think it was just the bad order date being returned by the site in metadata.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    I looked under "\Props\NGartplay\" and did not see it there. See attachment.

    352 x 632 - 15K
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Ok, the next step to check that the product has not just lost it's connection to DS...

    The product includes a file "SC Pedestal Iray.duf", the "Pedestal" should be unique enough word to search for in Windows Explorer, did the search find the file?

    If you have had Content Folders on different drives, have you checked that all those drives are still working?

  • AscaniaAscania Posts: 1,855

    Look in your Poser folder.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    My hard drives are working properly. I can find everything except the files associated with the "Staging Chamber."

    Staging Chamber broken.png
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  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    john_97a982ce said:

    My hard drives are working properly. I can find everything except the files associated with the "Staging Chamber."

    Ok, if your drives are working, have you searced for the files in Windows Explorer?

    Everything you have shown us, is database driven views, and if there is a problem with the database and/or metadata, the products won't load or work. 

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited August 2021

    Basically, everyone is saying the same thing. Somehow, it's my problem. DAZ gave me "Staging Chamber" and then took it away. Let's just say it like it is here. I'm going to have to buy it. I think that is devious and penny-pinchingly cheap. You give it as a freebie and then you remove it and act like it's not your fault. All of this while I try like crazy to prove that I haven't lost my mind. You're Awful. I've spent a ton of money on DAZ and sometimes I realize that I was just obsessed for a while. Now, I look at my library and think, "What am I going to do with all of that stuff?" If you guys can't just "cop" to this and give me back the product then I'll just write it off as a DAZ cheapskate issue and blame you for all to hear. It's NOT MY FAULT. [Spoken like an abused spouse] You can clearly see that you removed what you gave to me. I'll just have to wait until you put it on sale. Christ. I hate the fact that you remove things and then won't admit to it. I hate the bloody Lost & Found. And I hate other things too. so, why am I still here? Because I love the stuff you create. If I left you now it would be like a messy divorce. I'd go on every forum I could find to smear you as best I can. But I won't. Why, because I am a beaten spouse. That's why. I need you, black eyes and all. Christ.

    Post edited by Piquant on
  • zombietaggerungzombietaggerung Posts: 3,760
    edited August 2021

    Daz cannot take things off of your computer. It's just not a thing. I accept that you are unable to find the item inside the program. No one here is disputing that. But several people have asked if you've checked your Product Library here on the website, by clicking the little green person icon in the upper right and going to My account -- Product Library and searching for the item there. Or looking in the Windows File Explorer: My Computer -- whatever drive you have your content on -- DAZ3D -- Studio -- My Library, and searching for the item there. Have you looked in these places? And not inside the daz program?

    Post edited by zombietaggerung on
  • PetraPetra Posts: 1,156

    Daz cannot just take something from your pc, it is impossible.

    I can not recall it being ever in the starter essentials or default installation, and I have used DS for many years now.

    I have this Staging Chamber, it is not something I would buy on its own, it must have been with one of those Aniversary bundles or something like that.


  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    I am sorry, we are trying to help, but you are not giving us answers to our questions or checking things we ask you to check.

    "Smart" Content, just like Products and Categories in "Content Library" are all just database driven views, the 'real' files/folders can only be found under "DAZ Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats" in "Content Library" 

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    I did look in all of the places all of you suggested. The only place it shows up is in the Content Library, where is nothing but a list of broken links. See attached images.

    Staging Chamber broken.png
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  • PetraPetra Posts: 1,156
    edited August 2021

    If you purchased it or got it as a freebie, it should say * purchased *  on the product page.

    I have the product and it says purchased.

    Why would Daz only remove it for you?

    Mine is still in DIM and also in my Content Library, with no broken links.

    I am not using Smart Content so I did not look.


    Staging Chamber A.JPG
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    Staging Chamber B.JPG
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    Post edited by Petra on
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