A way to make clothing fit any model.

I have countless items of clothing that are useless to say the least.
I wanted to make an image as a memorial to fallen heroes.
I bought a set of combat gear and no matter what I do the items will not fit any model I have.
I know this is a very good way to make money but think about those of us who can't afford to buy every model, I for one ain't gonna spend Hundreds of dollars on a model if in 6 months it will be outdated.
I have bought a few packages and though the content of said packages is awesome it would be nice if they were usable with other models.
I know people are gonna say 'But that's how they make money! You need to buy the models and stuff!'
My answer to that is 'For me this is a hobby to stop my brains rotting away! In no way am I ever gonna make cash from this, it would be nice if I could more easily express my self through my art.
I would be willing to pay for a product from DAZ that could make any item fit any model.
What is the outfit and what are you trying to fit it to? A lot of things can be converted.
Autofit comes free with DAZ Studio, and you can fit V4, M4 and Kids 4 clothing to Genesis for free
You can also fit Genesis clothing to Genesis 2 using Autofit, (free) and you can fit Generation 3 clothing to Genesis using the appropriate clones which are sold in the Store.
What clothing are you having problems with, and what figure are you trying to fit them to?
Items are Modern Desert soldier pack. includes clothing for David, Micheal 3 and freak.
trying to fit to Genesis or genesis 2 males,
The David ones fit too small.
the Micheal ones are too big
the freak ones wont even go on Hyde for Genesis.
But Cowpoke kids clothes will fit Genesis?
Now reading the comment above I feel a bit of a douche!! I really need to read s**t before I go throwing a temper tantrum.
I'm new to this stuff Maybe they need to make the product lines easier to follow.
I looked for Micheal 3 for the set and couldn't find it.
I feel like even more of a plonker knowing I make props all the time and could probably work something out to fix the problem.
and also if I wasn't a skinflint I would just buy the items I need and stop B******g!
You need to have the Gen 3 clones to properly autofit Generation 3 to Genesis. http://www.daz3d.com/gen-3-iconic-shapes-for-genesis
That is because the clones for Autofit for V4, M4 and K4 come free with DAZ Studio for Genesis.
If you want to fit Generation 3 clothing to Genesis, you would need to buy this : http://www.daz3d.com/gen-3-iconic-shapes-for-genesis
Do you mind if we all go back in time to before Christmas so I can ask Santa for that bundle?
You do?
Damn it!! well how about we go back to before I made this thread?
(I need one of those flashy things Men in Black have!!)